Dating Sex The Work Colleague True Tales 

Act A: The Photograph

“Do you remember that photo?”   Of course she did. She remembered it the very second the question started to fall from his mouth, just as she did every time he mentioned it. It’s the photo they don’t show anyone. The one they both love, but can’t post on social media. It’s a really insignificant photo when you just glance at it, a couple of friends at a table in a club, casually enjoying a drink. And it is just that: a casual, insignificant photo of two friends and work…

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Dating Jock 

Talkin’ the Talk

Casually, out of nowhere, on our last date, Jock dropped something quite huge into the conversation. “I think I need to tell my ex that I’m with you.” Lolz, wot? We’ve known each other for eight weeks. That’s it. It feels like everything is now moving at warped speed. We’re already throwing the L-word around like it’s a game of ping pong, now we’re rushing into telling the ex. Why? Why’s he gotta tell her already? Why does he need to tell her at all? He continued … “Next weekend,…

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Dating Jock One Ball 

Date Number Two: An Emotional Goodbye?

One Ball read my fucking blog. Because of course he wasn’t going to let our breakup go by easy. I can’t work out if this is going to be a big fuck-you blog post to him, or a big bye-bye blog post to you lot. I’m battling two very different sides of myself right now. Let me tell you the story of what happened on my second date with Jock. Jock and I went shopping for our second date, stopped to have some coffees, and then he dropped me home…

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Big Love Life One Ball The Hubby 

10 Things I Vow to Stop Doing in 2013

I know I said that I wasn’t going to make New Year’s Resolutions this year, but I’m changing my mind already. Ish. Rather than making all these silly resolutions that I’m no doubt going to bail on within a few days or weeks, I’ve decided to create a slightly more long-term strategy than that, to get my life back on track. I’ve come up with a few things that I think are ‘flaws’ of mine, that I should work on to make better. 1 – I VOW TO STOP FALLING…

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Big Love Dating My Mr. Grey 

The Truth about Long-Distance Relationships

I haven’t blogged for a while, and let me tell you why: NOTHING has happened. Literally nothing. Nada. There’s nothing going on in my life. Boring. I still haven’t had *that conversation* with My Mr. Grey, so things are still floating in the air like a stinking fart. In my head, we’re in a relationship, so I’m not actively pursuing anyone else. It’s been a month since I last saw him and I’ve not had sex at all since then. It feels like it’s been a year, not a month.…

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