Dating Sailor Boy The Fireman 

January 5th

  14 years ago today, a girl got on a train. She had a duffel bag that was almost bigger than she was, trying her best to manoeuvre her way through the big London station with her Dad and Grandfather. They’d come to see her off. To say goodbye to their little girl, who was fast becoming a big girl. Such a big girl, in fact, she was about to embark on the biggest journey she would ever go on, aged just 17. As she waited for the train, she…

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My Threesome Flops: Part Two Dating My Mr. Grey Sex The Fireman 

My Threesome Flops: Part Two

I’ve been talking about threesomes. Well, group sex really. In case you weren’t aware of why I’ve got the hump and feel the need to shout about my failing sex life when it comes to group activities, you should check out this recent post. Plus this post from Exhibit A which prompted my nostalgic reminiscing / ranting. Following on from the foursome with The Fireman, my high school friend and her boyfriend that epically went tits up, I feel the need to tell you about my second group sex situation.…

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My Threesome Flops Dating Sex The Fireman 

My Threesome Flops

So… I read a little something today and not only do I feel the need to share it with you, I need to talk about it too. I read Exhibit A’s post on threesomes (click HERE for the full post) and to be honest, it pissed me off. Not his writing or the story he tells of course, that’s nothing short of a little erotic masterpiece. No, what pisses me off is the fact that everyone else seems to be having much better luck at this whole group sex thing…

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Backup No. 2

Not that it matters because apparently, I have backup…  Not content with The Director and Plan B vying for my attentions, I decided I needed to make things even more complicated. Despite our last ‘date’ being so terribly shocking, I have decided to go on a ‘second date’ with The Fireman. That’s right. I’m that dumb. I think I just get myself in these situations where I find it really difficult to say no to stuff. If someone asks me something via text message or email, I can say no…

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Dating The Fireman 

That Time I Got Punched in the Face By a Fireman

Did I ever tell you about the time I got punched in the face by a fireman? No? Perhaps I should seeing as we’ve been talking a lot recently. And there was that whole fake date thing we had. Let me set the scene. We were about 18/19. It was just before I met The Hubby and my life changed forever. The Fireman (Number 4) and I had been broken up for about a year and so much stuff had happened, it just came to a head one alcohol-fuelled night. He…

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Dating The Fireman 

The Fake Date

So…. I went on that date with the Fireman (Number 4). Yep, that’s right. I went on a date with a man I broke up with over ten years ago. I’ll never learn from my mistakes will I? In my defence it wasn’t really a date. He’d told me he wanted to start a business and needed a helping hand with some of the website-y stuff. That’s my thing isn’t it? Words and websites? I agreed to meet him – he would pick me up at 4pm, take me for…

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Dating Jock Someone New The Fireman 

The End

It was late at night and I couldn’t sleep. I found myself exchanging messages with The Fireman until the early hours of a Thursday morning for something to do, and it wasn’t long before he started asking questions about my current beau – Someone New. Specifically, asking questions about the definition of us. How are you meant to define and explain a relationship when you’re not even sure what it is yet? “Hasn’t it been a few months now?” he asked. “Yes, almost three months, but what’s that got to…

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Dating Jock Someone New The Fireman 

I Hate Those What-If’s

I’ve been quiet again. That’s because not much is happening in my life. I’ve had a few more texts from The Fireman. Things are still sailing along with not much to talk about with Someone New. I still haven’t heard a peek from Jock. Not that I ever expected to, obviously. Actually, if I’m being honest about it, I did expect to. At the beginning of our relationship, Jock lived in a house with three other women. It was a house-share thing. One of them was lovely – an Irish…

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Dating The Fireman 

Should I Get Back With My Ex? (But Not The One You Thought!)

Something happened last night with The Fireman. We were chatting as we seem to do these days and it wasn’t long before we were reminiscing about old times… But not the good times, oh no. The bad times; the really, really bad times. It started innocently enough – we were talking about what we would do if we had an endless supply of cash and we both come up with the idea of travelling. He’d take me on the boat he was going to buy, but only if I behave.…

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