Life Mental Health 

The Day My Moisturiser Tried to Kill Me

Let’s talk about bees. The black and yellow fuzzy kind. The ones that are lovely and need to be protected at all costs and definitely not killed because there will be no coffee and chocolate without them. (Or so I read.) – ??? – I’m deathly afraid of bees. And wasps. And anything that looks remotely like it could be a bee or a wasp. (I panic about regular flies an embarrassing amount.) I’ve jumped off balconies to get away from bees and wasps, ran into walls trying to flee…

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Bear Dating Mental Health 

A Little MORE Conversation, Please

I tried to talk to Bear six times yesterday. He was at home all day because his work stuff is starting to go quiet. I spent most of the day sat at my desk, tap-tap-tapping away, earning that dollar (working from home), but I took a few minutes here and there to make a drink, say hello to him, make sure he was okay, so-on and so forth. We’ve had issues with the teen recently … and I mean serious issues. It’s been pretty hellish, to be honest, and there…

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Bear Dating Mental Health The Lapdog 

And So I Write

The thing about not having sex with your boyfriend is the entire world seems to know about it. And no, it’s not because I told everyone. I only told you lot. I don’t know how they know, everyone else. But they know. They must do. There can’t be any other reason as to why every fuckboy in my past, and a few I haven’t even met yet, decided to enter my inbox during my eight-month stint of abstinence. All I wanted was Bear’s dick, but all I got was an…

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Bear Dating Mental Health 


“Oh my God, Zzzap! Do you remember that TV show?”  That’s what I asked Bear today after seeing something pop up on Facebook. I was sat kinda hugging him, half sat on one of his legs, his laptop delicately balanced on the other. We were laughing at funny cat videos. Well, one funny cat video. The one where the baby tiger jumps out at the adult tiger and scares the shit out of it. Then some meme thing popped up, talking about Zzzap! and various other old-school TV shows.  “I’ve…

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Mental Health 

Welcome to My Anxiety

Some days, I know I have anxiety.  On other days, I think I have anxiety.  Then there are the days when I don’t have anxiety at all. Nothing is wrong. Nothing happens. Absolutely everything is fine.  Today … well, it’s one of those days where I KNOW I have anxiety. So, I decided to talk about it. People don’t talk about it enough. I don’t talk about it enough.  My anxiety presents itself in different forms depending on what’s going on around me. I had a particularly horrific situation with…

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Bear Dating Mental Health 

Six Months

  I haven’t had sex with my boyfriend for over six months. (It’s still Bear, by the way.)  Fuck me (literally). I said it. I actually said it. That’s the first time I’ve actually acknowledged it. Sat down, worked it out, jotted it down.  Six months. I bet you’re wondering what the fuck happened? Yes, well, so am I.  It started with me …  I was depressed. Very depressed. Couldn’t even get in the shower, brush my hair, or clean my teeth-depressed. But we’ll talk about that another time. Getting back…

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Life Mental Health 

I Write. I Just Don’t Share.

  I feel the need to apologise for being a bad blogger again, but I’m trying to do less apologising in 2019. It’s one of those New Year’s Resolutions that I’ve already broken, but hey, there’s still plenty of time to turn things around.  2018 was a fucking cunt of a year. 2019 hasn’t been too kind to me so far either, but again, there’s still plenty of time to turn things around. I’m hoping if I tell myself that enough times it’ll actually happen.  Fingers crossed, folks.  I definitely…

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Mental Health 

Part-Time OCD & Comma Fury

  Does your anxiety ever get so high that it literally gives you short-term OCD? I don’t know if I’m making this up, but I swear it’s happening to me. I’m starting to get really weird about things, but that’s nothing new. I have these odd, bizarre little OCD patches going on throughout my life. It gets worse when my anxiety is at its highest. Like, right now. Is that normal? Take last night; I got myself ready to go to bed with Bear, but I realised I’d left my…

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Bear Dating Mental Health 

Delivery Day

  Let me tell you how today went for me. BS (Bear’s Son) went to school. First day. Woohoo! Six weeks is WAY too long. I like the kid … but jeez. Six. Weeks. Is. Long. Bear went to some work thing. A work thing that ended up being more of a social thing, which I’m a bit pissed off about, I must admit. I got up and put some makeup on. It was the first time in three weeks. I had a bowl of cereal. It’s the first time…

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Bear Dating Mental Health 

But That’s Life, Right?

  A couple of you lovely lot have sent me messages lately asking if I’m okay as I’ve been a bit … well, missing, I guess? I have, you’re right, and it’s because I don’t really know what to say. I feel so out the loop too, desperately trying to catch up with what everyone else has been up to and failing miserably. I just … don’t know what to say? What I want to say and what I mean are two different things. Because what I mean is nothing…

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