Mental Health 

Part-Time OCD & Comma Fury

  Does your anxiety ever get so high that it literally gives you short-term OCD? I don’t know if I’m making this up, but I swear it’s happening to me. I’m starting to get really weird about things, but that’s nothing new. I have these odd, bizarre little OCD patches going on throughout my life. It gets worse when my anxiety is at its highest. Like, right now. Is that normal? Take last night; I got myself ready to go to bed with Bear, but I realised I’d left my…

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Bear Mental Health My Dating Life 

Delivery Day

  Let me tell you how today went for me. BS (Bear’s Son) went to school. First day. Woohoo! Six weeks is WAY too long. I like the kid … but jeez. Six. Weeks. Is. Long. Bear went to some work thing. A work thing that ended up being more of a social thing, which I’m a bit pissed off about, I must admit. I got up and put some makeup on. It was the first time in three weeks. I had a bowl of cereal. It’s the first time…

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Bear Mental Health My Dating Life 

But That’s Life, Right?

  A couple of you lovely lot have sent me messages lately asking if I’m okay as I’ve been a bit … well, missing, I guess? I have, you’re right, and it’s because I don’t really know what to say. I feel so out the loop too, desperately trying to catch up with what everyone else has been up to and failing miserably. I just … don’t know what to say? What I want to say and what I mean are two different things. Because what I mean is nothing…

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Bear Mental Health My Dating Life 

Opening a Can of Worms

*Long post alert*    I have been avoiding putting up blog posts just like my last one for the longest time. I knew it would open a can of worms if I did because then I’d need to talk about other stuff as well. Well, now I think we’re at that place where we might need to talk about the other stuff. Where do I even start? I guess I should start by saying that I’m a little … sensitive to conditions such as dementia and Alzheimers. My Nana died…

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Bear Mental Health My Dating Life 

How Do I Find My Voice Again?

  Having an argument with a jealous paranoid schizophrenic person with undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder is a bit like having an argument with an angry, hungry bear. I mean, you can try your hardest to fight back, making as much noise as you can and generally making yourself look as big and as scary as possible, but ultimately, you know you are going to die. That bear is going to rip your head off, tear your limbs away from your body, and then devour you from the inside out. My…

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Bear Mental Health My Dating Life NSFW / Sex True Tales 

Why Won’t I Let Him Touch Me?

  My sex drive has entirely changed over the last few years. I probably should have warned you before diving in with something like that. Sorry. But depression, anxiety, and stress has probably had a huge part to play in the whole bonkers libido business, as well as going self-employed, quitting my job, bouncing from one highly inappropriate man to the next, the cervical cancer scare, the bowel cancer scare, and then going through the Brown Eyes saga. I’m not totally devoid of a sex drive these days but something…

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Me & My Opinions Mental Health 

I Love You, Man

I’m starting to really hate my phone. Well, not my phone, Timehop. That poxy app. It’s almost my birthday, so you can imagine the kind of shit it’s showing me right now. Parties, lots of them – my 18th, 19th, 25th, joint birthday and coming home from the other side of the world parties. So many parties. So many people. I had so many friends. I had quite the active social life and I remember having lots of fun. But right now, I’m sat in my bedroom, crying. Funny how…

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Me & My Opinions Mental Health 

A Man Told Me to Kill Myself Today

Content Warning: Discussing suicide. Yep, you did read that right. A man who I’d never met – some random dude on the internet – told me to kill myself. You probably won’t find that funny, but as I sit here with the #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek blog I forgot to post, and also my rebuttal to #13ReasonsWhy, I did find it funny. Perfect timing! I have been feeling SHIT recently. Nothing has been wrong. My relationship has been fine. I’m not lacking in confidence, despite putting on a couple of pounds (and then…

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Bear Mental Health My Dating Life 


  It’s funny, the little things that get misinterpreted in a relationship. A hastily scribbled note, for example, or a text message from someone who wants to send you samples of stuff to try and review. Both of these things have wreaked havoc in my relationship over the last few days and I feel it’s about time I talked about it. We lost the Apple TV remote. That’s how it all started. In fact, that’s not how it all started. It all started when some guy got in touch to…

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Girl Health - It's Important! Mental Health My Dating Life Someone New 

The Bad Feeling Day

I have had a very bad feeling about today from the moment I first opened my eyes. I don’t know how to explain it to you, but I like to call it my female intuition. You know what I mean, ladies: that overwhelming sense of dread you get right in the very pit of your stomach when you know something bad is going to happen. I don’t know what it is. I woke up with no energy even though I’d slept for about 7 hours straight (for once). I don’t…

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