Bear Sex 

Wandering Hands

I have a question: If my boyfriend is that disinterested in sex that we’re not having any of it [again], how come I keep waking up in the middle of the night with his hands down my pants?  Last night, for example. This morning, actually. 4:38 am, according to the clock. I found myself risen from my slumber, still in the dark, roused by something that was nice and annoying all at once. It took me a few moments to work out what it was: Bear’s hands. Bear’s hands rubbing…

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A Little MORE Conversation, Please

I tried to talk to Bear six times yesterday. He was at home all day because his work stuff is starting to go quiet. I spent most of the day sat at my desk, tap-tap-tapping away, earning that dollar (working from home), but I took a few minutes here and there to make a drink, say hello to him, make sure he was okay, so-on and so forth. We’ve had issues with the teen recently … and I mean serious issues. It’s been pretty hellish, to be honest, and there…

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Bear The Lapdog 

And So I Write

The thing about not having sex with your boyfriend is the entire world seems to know about it. And no, it’s not because I told everyone. I only told you lot. I don’t know how they know, everyone else. But they know. They must do. There can’t be any other reason as to why every fuckboy in my past, and a few I haven’t even met yet, decided to enter my inbox during my eight-month stint of abstinence. All I wanted was Bear’s dick, but all I got was an…

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Bear True Sex Stories 


Right, quit fucking about now. Fuck me. Or let me fuck you. I don’t care which way around it is, I just need to feel your dick inside me and your hands on my naked body and your lips … don’t even get me started on just how much I’ve been thinking about your lips. We’re on eight months-ish of abstinence now. Whatever strength I had before is fading away. I’m no longer calm. I don’t want to be patient or understanding. I’m not in the mood to make jokes…

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Bear Mental Health 

Six Months

I haven’t had sex with my boyfriend for over six months. (It’s still Bear, by the way.)  Fuck me (literally). I said it. I actually said it. That’s the first time I’ve actually acknowledged it. Sat down, worked it out, jotted it down.  Six months. I bet you’re wondering what the fuck happened? Yes, well, so am I.  It started with me …  I was depressed. Very depressed. Couldn’t even get in the shower, brush my hair, or clean my teeth-depressed. But we’ll talk about that another time. Getting back…

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Bear True Sex Stories 

Anal FOMO: My 30-Something Anal Crisis

It’s been 17 months. That’s how long Bear and I have been together. Something like that. He keeps count more meticulously than I do. I’m useless with dates. I’m useless with most things that are important, especially as far as numbers are concerned. 17 months doesn’t sound like that long when you think about it. At the same time, it’s the longest time in the world. We moved in together way too early — around the six-month mark — but I wouldn’t say it hindered us at all. It might…

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Bear True Sex Stories 

Intimacy, But Not Sex.

You know, I quite liked fucking your pretty little mouth last night.  Sometimes, Bear says the most explicit of things at the most innocent of times. Like when I’m the kitchen making chips. Homemade chips. I can’t stand oven chips. I make my own, first peeling them, then boiling them for exactly 8 minutes, straining them and slightly fluffing them up a bit in the colander so that they have that lovely crispiness around the edges. Then I toss them in oil mixed with some salt and pepper, maybe some…

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Day Six: Full Cretin

Sometimes, I’d quite like to strangle Bear. Like right now, for example. It’s day six of the new tablets. Day six of life with Borderline Personality Disorder. It’s been one hell of a fucking rollercoaster so far. I honestly think I preferred it before. Confirmation this morning. Bear DOES NOT have schizophrenia. He was wrongly diagnosed. He has Borderline Personality Disorder. I knew it. I knew he wasn’t a schizophrenic! ?? — NotSoSexintheCity (@notsosexintheci) 17 January 2018 He takes one tablet before he goes to bed for two weeks. Then…

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Car Parks & Shooting Stars

I’m a little bit obsessed with space. Anyone who knows me knows that. It just amazes me. I watch space documentaries on the daily and the more I learn, the more I feel incredibly tiny. And the more I want to learn. I like feeling tiny. I love the feeling of knowing we are the tiniest magical blue dot in the middle of something vast and perhaps even never-ending. I seriously regret not paying more attention to this stuff when I was at school. If I’d have known that all…

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Season’s Greetings

Wanna hear something romantic as fuck? It’s a bit cringe-worthy, I think, so you must promise you won’t laugh at me. I had this daft idea that Bear and I should reuse the same Christmas cards to each other, just adding new messages, year after year, and he’s only gone and bloody done it. What a fucking cutie. It was an idea I had last year. I think I’d seen it in the papers, some seventy-odd-year-old couple had been using the same Christmas card or Valentine’s Day card for the…

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