Sambuca The Social Situation Sambuca 

Sambuca: The Social Situation(s)

You know, I’ve moaned a lot, but there were good parts in my relationship with Sambuca. Yeah, we’ve got more shittiness in Sambuca: The Social Situation(s,) like, jealousy, anger, more breakups and makeups, his perfect woman and conversation-wife, and an absolute fucking truckload of hypocrisy. But I promise you, there were good parts, too. They’re just overshadowed by the bad at this point. 

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Sambuca The Bad Sambuca 

Sambuca: The Bad

The man was practically perfect in every way… until he wasn’t. Then, we came to The Bad. Sigh. It’s a tale as old as time, isn’t it? I put these men up on pedestals, setting expectations far too high (for them, not me,) only to have all of my hopes dashed. This chapter of the Sambuca story contains more ups and downs than the Big One at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, so I hope you’re buckled in tight!

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Dating Sex 


After five years of very much unwanted celibacy, it almost feels like I’m re-losing my virginity whenever I ponder the prospect of having sex again. I’m going to call it my re-virginity. I mean, I know it’s not losing my virginity again, because I am the absolute opposite of a virgin, but the nerves, anxieties, questions, and anticipation are all the same. The thought of standing in front of another person and taking my clothes off, letting them see everything about me, fills me with a sense of panic. My…

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The Lapdog True Sex Stories 

Hot Right Now [Previously Unseen]

Fun fact about this post: It’s been sat in my drafts for over two years. I didn’t know whether or not I wanted to publish something that featured a Class A drug so heavily and positively. But we’re all adults here, right? I did it, lived it, wrote about it … now I’m sharing it. Consider this your second content warning: this post goes into great detail about an NSFW night on MDMA (ecstasy), talking about it in a positive way. As a side note: I’ve been clean from all…

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Bear Sex 

Wandering Hands

I have a question: If my boyfriend is that disinterested in sex that we’re not having any of it [again], how come I keep waking up in the middle of the night with his hands down my pants?  Last night, for example. This morning, actually. 4:38 am, according to the clock. I found myself risen from my slumber, still in the dark, roused by something that was nice and annoying all at once. It took me a few moments to work out what it was: Bear’s hands. Bear’s hands rubbing…

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The Work Colleague True Sex Stories 

Act A: The Photograph

“Do you remember that photo?”     Of course she did. She remembered it the very second the question started to fall from his mouth, just as she did every time he mentioned it. It’s the photo they don’t show anyone. The one they both love, but can’t post on social media. It’s a really insignificant photo when you just glance at it, a couple of friends at a table in a club, casually enjoying a drink. And it is just that: a casual, insignificant photo of two friends and…

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A Little MORE Conversation, Please

I tried to talk to Bear six times yesterday. He was at home all day because his work stuff is starting to go quiet. I spent most of the day sat at my desk, tap-tap-tapping away, earning that dollar (working from home), but I took a few minutes here and there to make a drink, say hello to him, make sure he was okay, so-on and so forth. We’ve had issues with the teen recently … and I mean serious issues. It’s been pretty hellish, to be honest, and there…

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