The Lapdog True Tales 

Hot Right Now [Previously Unseen]

Fun fact about this post: It’s been sat in my drafts for over two years. I didn’t know whether or not I wanted to publish something that featured a Class A drug so heavily and positively. But we’re all adults here, right? I did it, lived it, wrote about it … now I’m sharing it. Consider this your second content warning: this post goes into great detail about an NSFW night on MDMA (ecstasy), talking about it in a positive way. As a side note: I’ve been clean from all…

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Bear True Tales 

Wandering Hands

I have a question: If my boyfriend is that disinterested in sex that we’re not having any of it [again], how come I keep waking up in the middle of the night with his hands down my pants?  Last night, for example. This morning, actually. 4:38 am, according to the clock. I found myself risen from my slumber, still in the dark, roused by something that was nice and annoying all at once. It took me a few moments to work out what it was: Bear’s hands. Bear’s hands rubbing…

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Would you like to know how many selfies I’ve taken with you in mind as the receiver, but never had the balls to send? Too many to count at this point. Tens, definitely. Maybe even hundreds. Some of them are deleted before they even have the chance to see the light of day, but a few of them? I’m dying to send them to you. I’ve gotten close a couple of times, inserting the image into the message box before promptly deleting it and berating myself for being foolish. I’m…

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Dating Sex The Work Colleague True Tales 

Act A: The Photograph

“Do you remember that photo?”   Of course she did. She remembered it the very second the question started to fall from his mouth, just as she did every time he mentioned it. It’s the photo they don’t show anyone. The one they both love, but can’t post on social media. It’s a really insignificant photo when you just glance at it, a couple of friends at a table in a club, casually enjoying a drink. And it is just that: a casual, insignificant photo of two friends and work…

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Bear Dating Mental Health 

A Little MORE Conversation, Please

I tried to talk to Bear six times yesterday. He was at home all day because his work stuff is starting to go quiet. I spent most of the day sat at my desk, tap-tap-tapping away, earning that dollar (working from home), but I took a few minutes here and there to make a drink, say hello to him, make sure he was okay, so-on and so forth. We’ve had issues with the teen recently … and I mean serious issues. It’s been pretty hellish, to be honest, and there…

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Big Love Dating Sex True Tales 

A Blast of a Third Date

“Get down on the ground!” I watched him fall to the floor, not quite knowing what to do. There was a lot of commotion around me, but the alarm hadn’t gone off yet. That was usually the first thing to alert us to the danger — loud, repetitive, and every bit as frightening as the event it was used to signify. “Get down on the ground!” he shouted at me again. I still had the strange, whistling sound we’d just heard in my head, replaying over and over and drowning…

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Bear Dating Mental Health The Lapdog 

And So I Write

The thing about not having sex with your boyfriend is the entire world seems to know about it. And no, it’s not because I told everyone. I only told you lot. I don’t know how they know, everyone else. But they know. They must do. There can’t be any other reason as to why every fuckboy in my past, and a few I haven’t even met yet, decided to enter my inbox during my eight-month stint of abstinence. All I wanted was Bear’s dick, but all I got was an…

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Big Love Dating My Mate's Date's Mate 

Collateral (Number 40)

Did you ever have sex with someone just because you thought you ought to, not because you really wanted to? And before I continue, I don’t want this to sound like a non-consent story. It’s not … I don’t think. I’m fairly certain I gave some kind of consent, but I’m not really sure why I did. Or what the consent was. Let me explain and tell you the story of Number 40. My Mate’s Date’s Mate I was on the other side of the world and my mate was…

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Bear Dating Mental Health 


“Oh my God, Zzzap! Do you remember that TV show?”  That’s what I asked Bear today after seeing something pop up on Facebook. I was sat kinda hugging him, half sat on one of his legs, his laptop delicately balanced on the other. We were laughing at funny cat videos. Well, one funny cat video. The one where the baby tiger jumps out at the adult tiger and scares the shit out of it. Then some meme thing popped up, talking about Zzzap! and various other old-school TV shows.  “I’ve…

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Bear True Tales 


Right, quit fucking about now. Fuck me. Or let me fuck you. I don’t care which way around it is, I just need to feel your dick inside me and your hands on my naked body and your lips … don’t even get me started on just how much I’ve been thinking about your lips. We’re on eight months-ish of abstinence now. Whatever strength I had before is fading away. I’m no longer calm. I don’t want to be patient or understanding. I’m not in the mood to make jokes…

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