Dating Sex The Work Colleague True Tales 

Act A: The Photograph

“Do you remember that photo?”   Of course she did. She remembered it the very second the question started to fall from his mouth, just as she did every time he mentioned it. It’s the photo they don’t show anyone. The one they both love, but can’t post on social media. It’s a really insignificant photo when you just glance at it, a couple of friends at a table in a club, casually enjoying a drink. And it is just that: a casual, insignificant photo of two friends and work…

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Dating Jock 

48 Hours to Go: First Night Nerves

It’s exactly 48 hours until my next date with Jock. I think it’s going to be *the* date; the one where we fuck for the first time. Anxiety is taking over and I’m overthinking absolutely everything. I’m beyond nervous. That’s how I know I really like him: the thought of being in his presence makes me so nervous that I just can’t think straight. I’m not prepared for this. I wanted to book a bikini wax but I’m not sure I’ll have time for it. Between you and me, things…

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Dating Jock 

The Actual Second Date

Fuck it, I’ve decided to completely ignore the fact that One Ball might be reading my blog and tell you all about my second date with the fabulous Jock. Because he really is totally fabulous. I told you in my last post that he was more touchy-feely this time around; well, there was more kissing this time around too. We parked up to “have a cigarette” which we both knew was code for making out in his car. We’re still playing it cool and not taking things too far, but…

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Dating Jock Sex True Tales 

I Like Slow, Sensual Sex …

So, this new guy [Jock] has got me totally figured out already. Well, he hasn’t, but he’s going the right way. We’ve been texting and calling each other in that way that new potential lovers do: constant questions and answers, flirty banter, naughty conversations that you would berate other boys for. I thought I might’ve grown bored of him by now. No sign of that, though. The stuff he’s saying to me is driving me crazy. Whether I ‘like’ him or not, I’m definitely lusting after him. But I’m wondering…

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Dating Jock 

The Tale of the 11 Hour First Date

So … yeah, I went on a date with Jock. The date ended up being 11 hours long. I had so much fun with him I didn’t realise where the time had gone, and neither did he. Peeps, I’m in SERIOUS trouble. Our date was cute, cheap, and very cheerful. We chose the arcades and some seaside fun, making plans to eat ice cream and paddle on the beach and frolic in the sunshine. He tried to win me a toy at the arcades, on the grabber machines, but he…

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Dating One Ball 

So…. Today was shit.

I feel like I should explain my previous post; that letter to One Ball I wrote. I actually initially wrote it in anger and then edited so it was more explanatory than vengeful before I gave it to him … which was definitely a good idea. We did the whole breaking up thing a few days ago and it’s still all raw and weird. We’ve been texting a bit, mostly him asking why I refused to give things a go with him and me telling him – repeatedly – that…

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Dating One Ball 

Dear One Ball …

Dear One Ball, There are a lot of reasons I broke up with you, and I know that you’re going to disagree with at least 90% of them. But you wanted a list so I’m giving it to you. Don’t say I never offered you closure. To start with, I’m terrified that you’ll read my blog … again. I haven’t written in it properly for months, and I think it’s because I’m worried that I’ll say too much, you’ll read it, and then we’ll fight because you’re upset. It feels…

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Dating The Savage Dog Guy 

Bad First Dates: Number 41 – The Savage Dog Guy

I’ve been talking about my online dating experiences in the past couple of posts so I felt it make sense to carry on the theme. After finally realising that Big Love wasn’t ever going to make his mind up and choose me over drugs and other women, and that other men on The Other Side of the World weren’t quite as good as I’d anticipated (or at least the ones I’d met on Plenty of Fish), I packed up my shit, booked myself three flights, and finally found my way…

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Big Love Dating Mr. Silk Boxers 

Bad First Dates: The Silk Boxer Shorts

My last post discussed my first ever date with a guy I’d met online. Today, I’d like to talk to you about the second man I met online, once again on Plenty of Fish, on The Other Side of the World, during a Big Love breakup. It was every bit as disappointing as the first one was, except this time around I got laid and a couple of free dinners out of it. I must’ve been going through a phase or something because my second online date was with yet…

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Big Love Dating My Mr. Grey One Ball The Best Man The Hubby 

Bad Text Sex, Good Car Sex, The Exclusive Chat

I’ve been quiet recently. Sorry about that. It’s been a busy few days, but I thought it might be time to update you all with what’s been happening in my life. Are you ready? Drink in hand? Snacks close by? Then I shall begin … Big Love Let’s start with the Big Love obsession. Because, at this point, there’s no way it’s not an obsession. I was happily trundling through my two-week breakup crash course of sad, soppy movies that would absolutely make me cry, until, just like that, I…

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