Dating Jock 

Heart: Broken

When I think that life can’t kick my butt any more than it has done, it goes and deals me another blow. Not content with the hellish year of 2015, apparently 2016 is gonna be a bumpy one too. Jock is engaged. Yesterday, I found out that one ex had a baby. Today I find out the love of my life is marrying someone else. My heart has been ripped in two. The news hit me like a freight train. And then I went looking for her online … to…

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Big Love Dating 

Baby Boy

I have something I wanna talk about. We all knew it was coming. I was looking for it I guess. Counting the days, secretly stalking because good old social media lets us… Big Love had a baby. He had a baby boy. I knew she was pregnant, the girlfriend I mean. I spoke about it a while ago. She changed her profile picture to a heavily pregnant one of her and it was oh so clear. I’d already had my suspicions, of course, little things she’d ‘liked’ on Facebook for…

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Big Love Dating Reproductive Health 

I Heard It Through the Grapevine

I recently heard a rumour through the grapevine. One about Big Love. Someone told me that his current girlfriend was pregnant, so I immediately hopped on to Facebook and tapped his name in the search bar. Why? Because I’m stupid. It didn’t really matter though. It looks as though he’s deleted his Facebook page, along with a few of his other social accounts. Not content with still having no answers, I decided to type her name into the search bar. I got my answer the moment I saw her profile…

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Peptide Addiction

Folks, I’ve been wallowing in self-pity again. But I’ve also been doing some reading. Virtue or Sin gave me some advice. Some very simple advice, really, but very good advice nevertheless: “Google ‘Peptide addiction’.” So, I did. Peptide addiction — the love and relationship addiction. There’s a theory that kinda explains why good people always end up getting drawn back to the same bad guys time and time again, and why they keep getting sucked back into the same relationships, with the same disastrous personalities … and the same earth-shattering…

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Big Love Dating 

And Then He Broke My Heart …

Big Love was the fairytale prince that swept me off my feet, true Disney story-style. That’s where I left off last time, right? The man who opened doors and showed me amazing adventures … just like that time we went skydiving. I don’t think skydiving was the reason we parted ways, but it was one of those turning-point events in our relationship that definitely signalled the beginning of the end. He wanted it to be his thing, but I really wanted to do it too, and because I did it,…

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Big Love Dating 


I’ve noticed something, folks. Something very odd. Or maybe not, I guess it depends which way you look at it. Either way, I’ve noticed it. I just so happen to be friends with a few of Big Love’s family members on Facebook, still. This isn’t a deliberate act; it’s accidental, I promise. They don’t post EVER, and they’re never online, never reach out to me, and never interact with my photos or updates. They’re just socially active people and that’s how come I missed them when I did the mid-breakup…

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Big Love Dating 

It’s Been Two Years

It was two years ago today, the fifth of February, that I left the other side of the world, the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and run home to my family with my tail between my legs. The big ending of my Big Love story. Maybe it’s about time I found a more appropriate name for him, than ‘Big Love’? Guess what happened to me yesterday. In fact, I’ll just tell you. My best gal pal from the other side of…

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Big Love Dating Jock 

I’m Still Not Over My Ex. Me Neither…

I read something on the Thought Catalog that really made me think long and hard about what I’m doing. I don’t think I need to say it out loud, do I? I mean, I’ve said it once. It’s right there in the title. Fine. I’ll say it: I’m still not over my ex. In the piece on Thought Catalog, the writer said that she didn’t think she still loved her ex, but she also didn’t think that she was over him either. And that’s kind of how I feel right…

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Dating Jock One Ball 

Today, I Woke Up Angry

I was angry from the moment I woke up today. I have no idea why, I just was. Sleep had evaded me for much of the night, though I couldn’t pinpoint one specific reason for it, plus I think I’m starting to get a cold. With a big, black cloud hanging over from the second I opened my eyes, the rest of the day didn’t bode well … I got even angrier when I checked my bank balance after my morning cup of tea. One Ball is meant to send…

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Dating Jock One Ball 

Date Number Two: An Emotional Goodbye?

One Ball read my fucking blog. Because of course he wasn’t going to let our breakup go by easy. I can’t work out if this is going to be a big fuck-you blog post to him, or a big bye-bye blog post to you lot. I’m battling two very different sides of myself right now. Let me tell you the story of what happened on my second date with Jock. Jock and I went shopping for our second date, stopped to have some coffees, and then he dropped me home…

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