Fiction (ish) Sex 


“We’re quite far away from the footpath here, shall we sit?”  “Sounds good, I’m hungry!” And with that, he laid back flat against the soft, green grass. It had been a wonderful lunchtime, just the two of us strolling around town and enjoying the delights that the historic area had to offer. It was his idea to grab bits and pieces for a quick picnic, a suggestion I happily jumped on. I wondered if he’d guess why I suggested that particular picnic area, a 70-hectare heritage park that was wide-open…

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Dating Sex The Lapdog True Tales 


Soooooo, do you remember a blog post I shared a little while ago called I Miss My Twenties? Well, it seems that if you talk about ’em, they’ll pop up. And pop up he did … This blog post is dedicated to him. ***** You always seem to message me on Saturday nights. I’m guessing that’s because Saturday night was always our night. Everyone else would be out partying, but not us. We’d be sat in your car somewhere, talking shit, kissing, touching, listening to music. I’m listening to our…

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Fiction (ish) Sex The Lapdog 

I Miss My Twenties

An ex-fling thing put some pictures of him and his fiancée on Facebook today, all dressed up and ready to go out, and I had so many thoughts that I felt it might be fun to write a few of them down.  Couples get a bit weird once they’ve been together for a while, don’t they? The Facebook album titled “The Big Night Out” ends up sprinkled with an unhealthy amount of nice hotel bathroom shots, images of towels folded into weird shapes on freshly-made beds, photos of plates of…

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Dating Jock Sex True Tales 

Shooting Stars & Sex in Cars

It’s been a couple of days, sorry about that. How have you been? I’ve been busy. Too much work, too much other work, socialising, trying to have a life, you know. I’ve seen Jock too. We’re still plodding along in that way we do, although we haven’t yet had the chance to book another sleepover. That doesn’t mean we haven’t fucked, though. There’s been plenty of fucking, don’t you worry. He took me out on a great date yesterday. He dropped his step-kid off becoming coming to pick me up…

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Dating Jock Sex True Tales 

Will You Be My Girlfriend?

Things have been mostly smooth-sailing for me. In fact, Jock and I just went on our sixth date and I’d quite like to talk about that if you don’t mind? “I won’t have time to go home from work and change, but if you can handle me smelly and slightly exhausted, I’d like to pick you up, grab some food, and have an evening picnic?” he said in his text to me, and I gleefully accepted his proposition. “You have options, though,” I told him. “I’m wearing the cutest dress…

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Dating Jock Sex True Tales 

The Tale of the 24 Hour Third Date

Jock and I went on our third date. It was wonderful. We went camping and all this cute shit happened and YES WE FUCKED AND I KNOW THAT’S WHAT YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW. He agreed to get everything sorted as I had work during the day — and that’s just what he did. He found the cutest little campsite, organised it so that it would be just us on the site, sorted out a tent, grabbed food and beers, and even decorated the tent and surrounding space with solar-powered…

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Dating Jock 

The Actual Second Date

Fuck it, I’ve decided to completely ignore the fact that One Ball might be reading my blog and tell you all about my second date with the fabulous Jock. Because he really is totally fabulous. I told you in my last post that he was more touchy-feely this time around; well, there was more kissing this time around too. We parked up to “have a cigarette” which we both knew was code for making out in his car. We’re still playing it cool and not taking things too far, but…

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Dating Jock Sex True Tales 

I Like Slow, Sensual Sex …

So, this new guy [Jock] has got me totally figured out already. Well, he hasn’t, but he’s going the right way. We’ve been texting and calling each other in that way that new potential lovers do: constant questions and answers, flirty banter, naughty conversations that you would berate other boys for. I thought I might’ve grown bored of him by now. No sign of that, though. The stuff he’s saying to me is driving me crazy. Whether I ‘like’ him or not, I’m definitely lusting after him. But I’m wondering…

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Dating Number 35: The Take-Me-To-The-Woods-Guy The Hubby 

Number 35: The Take Me to the Woods Guy [Part 2]

Continued from Here Comes Trouble: Meet Number 35. He didn’t drive the regular route back from the hospital. Not that I knew the regular route, but the hospital was in town and we also lived in town … I wasn’t sure how come Number 35 and I had ended up in what looked to be the woods.  “Why are we here?” I asked him. “Because I’m not done with you yet but people are going to be waking up in the flats. They’ll see or hear us,” he replied, pulling…

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