

Would you like to know how many selfies I’ve taken with you in mind as the receiver, but never had the balls to send? Too many to count at this point. Tens, definitely. Maybe even hundreds. Some of them are deleted before they even have the chance to see the light of day, but a few of them? I’m dying to send them to you. I’ve gotten close a couple of times, inserting the image into the message box before promptly deleting it and berating myself for being foolish. I’m…

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Fiction (ish) Sex True Tales 

I Need …

I’m going to need you to be rough with me today. I need to be beaten. Beaten in a way that involves my ass and your hand, or a paddle, or one of your hard-backed books, or your belt, or anything else that you can think of that’ll have the same effect. Why? Because it’s been a crappy day. The type of day that can only be turned around with some horny heavy-handedness that leaves me just the right amount of bruised and battered. And I need to do more…

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Fiction (ish) Sex 


“We’re quite far away from the footpath here, shall we sit?”  “Sounds good, I’m hungry!” And with that, he laid back flat against the soft, green grass. It had been a wonderful lunchtime, just the two of us strolling around town and enjoying the delights that the historic area had to offer. It was his idea to grab bits and pieces for a quick picnic, a suggestion I happily jumped on. I wondered if he’d guess why I suggested that particular picnic area, a 70-hectare heritage park that was wide-open…

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Fiction (ish) Sex 

When He Holds My Hair …

I love it when he holds my hair. Well, when he touches it really. It can be a heavy-handed action, fistfuls of it grabbed during a heated moment of action. It can be a light-handed motion too, like when he lightly glides his fingers down the length of it when it’s freshly washed and super-soft. Perhaps it’s the fact that it can be both hot and heavy, and light and soft, all at the same time that makes it so special? I don’t know what it is, but I do…

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Dating Sex The Lapdog True Tales 


Soooooo, do you remember a blog post I shared a little while ago called I Miss My Twenties? Well, it seems that if you talk about ’em, they’ll pop up. And pop up he did … This blog post is dedicated to him. ***** You always seem to message me on Saturday nights. I’m guessing that’s because Saturday night was always our night. Everyone else would be out partying, but not us. We’d be sat in your car somewhere, talking shit, kissing, touching, listening to music. I’m listening to our…

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Fiction (ish) Sex 

It Could Have Been a Great Night

I always wondered what it would have been like if we’d introduced a third party into our sex life. I know it’s a bit too late for what-ifs now, but I do wonder, just sometimes. And I think that’s one of my prominent life regrets: not saying yes when I was given the opportunity to have one last bite at the girl-boy-girl bullet. I imagine it would have been a glorious occasion. I also wonder if we would have looked back over the night with happier, hornier memories than my actual…

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Dating Jock My Mr. Grey Sex 

August 9th

Ah … August 9th. You might not remember August 9th, but I do. It’s a date I don’t think I’ll forget about in a hurry; one that brings a very cheeky blush to my face as I remember the things I was doing last year. Or, rather, the person I was doing last year: My Mr. Grey. If you haven’t yet read Warning! Explicit Content!, you might want to read it now. It’s proper NSFW, by the way. I sent him a Facebook post as soon as I awoke and…

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Dating Jock 

The Actual Second Date

Fuck it, I’ve decided to completely ignore the fact that One Ball might be reading my blog and tell you all about my second date with the fabulous Jock. Because he really is totally fabulous. I told you in my last post that he was more touchy-feely this time around; well, there was more kissing this time around too. We parked up to “have a cigarette” which we both knew was code for making out in his car. We’re still playing it cool and not taking things too far, but…

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Dating Jock Sex True Tales 

I Like Slow, Sensual Sex …

So, this new guy [Jock] has got me totally figured out already. Well, he hasn’t, but he’s going the right way. We’ve been texting and calling each other in that way that new potential lovers do: constant questions and answers, flirty banter, naughty conversations that you would berate other boys for. I thought I might’ve grown bored of him by now. No sign of that, though. The stuff he’s saying to me is driving me crazy. Whether I ‘like’ him or not, I’m definitely lusting after him. But I’m wondering…

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Dating One Ball 

Advice, Please?

Right, peeps, I need your help. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. I don’t know what to do about One Ball and I. Should we break up? Should I just do it and be done with it? Or is he a good guy that deserves a bit more time? And before you answer that question, I have something to tell you that’ll complicate things even further … I’m starting to crush on his best friend. (As if the My Mr. Grey stuff wasn’t complication…

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