Dating Jock 

An Angry Post

Backstory: Jock and I made plans to meet up so I could help him move house the morning after he’d gone out with The Colombian (that’s his name now). I half-jokingly predicted that Jock would blow me out because he would be hungover, but he assured me that he “wouldn’t get that drunk”. You can probably guess what’s coming next … I woke up this morning to NO message from Jock despite him saying that he’d be up early and would text me. I fucking knew he’d bail. I knew…

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Dating Jock 

Blown Out

So, I tried to be cool about the fact Jock blew me out to hang out with his guy friend, but it is pissing me off. I’m not cool about it. I’m immensely pissed off and I don’t feel like I can talk to him about it because there’s a chance I’m being unreasonable. I hate the fact that I’m annoyed right now. Annoyed about a man choosing to hang out with his boy-friends over me. I’m not that girl anymore. I might’ve been that girl once upon a time,…

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Dating Jock 

I’ve Got the Right Hump

I would probably warn you before I start ranting: I’m about to start ranting. My fingers are angry typing, all twitchy and stabbing at the keys. There’s probably going to be some swearing, I’m definitely going to talk about sex, and I’m more than likely going to overreact about something. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. So, firstly, I didn’t get laid. I didn’t get anything. No orgasms for this gal. No nothing at all. Secondly, he [Jock] did have an orgasm. He got himself a nice little blowjob, came,…

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Dating Jock 

Talkin’ the Talk

Casually, out of nowhere, on our last date, Jock dropped something quite huge into the conversation. “I think I need to tell my ex that I’m with you.” Lolz, wot? We’ve known each other for eight weeks. That’s it. It feels like everything is now moving at warped speed. We’re already throwing the L-word around like it’s a game of ping pong, now we’re rushing into telling the ex. Why? Why’s he gotta tell her already? Why does he need to tell her at all? He continued … “Next weekend,…

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Dating Jock 

I Am Such a Fucking Idiot

So … on Thursday night, I went out and got drunk. D-r-u-n-k. Blind, stinkin’ drunk. Me and a couple of my work colleagues had been invited to a training evening, but the training evening was actually an evening in a not-so-local pub, with a free bar. As you can probably imagine, it turned into less of a work event and more of a complete disaster the more the night went on … and the more the beer flowed. I had a fantastic night, flirting a little too much with the…

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Dating Jock 

Rawr? The Pros and Cons of Jock

I really can’t make my mind up about Jock. One day, I think I’m completely and utterly, head-over-heels in love with him. The next, I keep seeing all these things about him that already piss me off, or will likely piss me off in the future. We’ve stopped counting dates. It seems strange to keep doing it now that we’ve committed to each other, the boyfriend-and-girlfriend label well and truly in place. And speaking of dates, our last one was amazing. We didn’t do anything big or grand; we just…

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Dating Jock Sex True Tales 

Well That’s Never Happened Before: Date 7

Jock and I have had a grand total of four sleepovers. For two of them, I was on my period and we didn’t get to fuck. We played around and did lots of other playful stuff, but not full PIV [penis-in-vagina] sex. On the other two occasions, we did fuck. And during those two times, I noticed something: he doesn’t always spring up on-demand … if you get my drift. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not something that’s caused us problems up until this point, but I have noticed it,…

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Dating One Ball 

So…. Today was shit.

I feel like I should explain my previous post; that letter to One Ball I wrote. I actually initially wrote it in anger and then edited so it was more explanatory than vengeful before I gave it to him … which was definitely a good idea. We did the whole breaking up thing a few days ago and it’s still all raw and weird. We’ve been texting a bit, mostly him asking why I refused to give things a go with him and me telling him – repeatedly – that…

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Dating One Ball 

Dear One Ball …

Dear One Ball, There are a lot of reasons I broke up with you, and I know that you’re going to disagree with at least 90% of them. But you wanted a list so I’m giving it to you. Don’t say I never offered you closure. To start with, I’m terrified that you’ll read my blog … again. I haven’t written in it properly for months, and I think it’s because I’m worried that I’ll say too much, you’ll read it, and then we’ll fight because you’re upset. It feels…

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Dating One Ball 


It’s been an interesting weekend, peeps. The crush with One Ball’s best friend that I talked about in my previous post? Yep, it’s grown in intensity. I’ve started imagining his face when I’m fucking myself with a toy at night. Worse than that: I’ve started imagining his face when I’m fucking One Ball. That’s bad, right? Like … really, really bad. I’m not doing it deliberately. It’s happening by accident, and it’s taking everything in me not to call my boyfriend by his best friend’s name. But it seemed to…

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