The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of True Tales 

So … What Makes Great Sex Great?

I’ve been dating my current beau for about three months now, but I think we need to have a chat about some things… as you’ve probably guessed from the title: What makes great sex great? We’ve been ‘official’ for about a month of that. You know: Facebook official. We’ve updated our relationship statuses to mention the other. You know it’s fairly serious when I’m happy for my family and friends to be able to locate him and potentially stalk him on social media. I’m a really sexual person. You’ll probably…

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The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of True Tales 

What’s the Best Sex You Ever Had?

I had a weird conversation about bondage at work today. Well, it started with bondage, but it wasn’t long before we listing off the best sexual experiences we’d ever had [my work colleagues and me]. It’s funny how these conversations seem to spring up at the weirdest times, don’t you think? I couldn’t help but laugh when I had to pause my chat about anal sex to serve a 62-year old customer. It was one of the highlights of the day, to be honest. Anyway, back to the topic in…

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The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of True Tales 

Anal Sex – What’s the Deal?

This is NOT a sexy blog post. There’s poo talk, peeps. I’d call this one more of a cautionary [and fucking embarrassing] tale. I’ve got a question for you: What’s the obsession between men and anal sex lately? *I’m not deliberately gender stereotyping. I’ve just had more men than usual trying to crawl into my ass than women. Don’t get me wrong, if anal sex is on the menu, I’ll order it from time to time, but if I’m being really honest, I don’t actually get anything from anal play.…

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The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of 

I Think We Need To Break Up

I think it’s time for my current guy [The Guy I Couldn’t Get Rid Of] and I to part ways. It’s a shame, but I really don’t think he’s the kind of guy I’m looking for. And do you want to know when I realised that? Half-way through our fuck last night, that’s when. Great timing, as always. And as discussed in Anal Sex – What’s the Deal?, he wanted to put his dick in my ass again. I said no, he tried to change my mind by doing other…

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The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of The Really Beautiful Man 

Does It Make Me Desperate?

I was minding my own business today, at work, doing my thing, and I came across a man so beautiful that I fell in love right there and then. He was so hot. Seriously hot. Probably one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen in my life. And because of that, I stammered, stuttered, and blushed my way through a series of words that didn’t make up full sentences and basically made a right tit out of myself. Nicely played, girl. Nicely played. He did his thing, paid for…

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The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of 

I Finally Did It

I haven’t been around for a couple of days and I’m sorry for that. It’s been a pretty hectic week, but I thought it was about time that I gave you a little update. So, I invited The Guy I Couldn’t Get Rid Of to my house on Wednesday night and we had a bit of a fight. He wanted my attention all of the time and that’s just not something I can give him. Not all of the time. Between my Mama, my job, freelancing, my friends, family, trying…

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The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of 

Text Sex Crazy

I’ve been single for about a week now, except it’s kinda like I’m not really single at all. The Guy I Couldn’t Get Rid Of (who I eventually did get rid of) has turned into a post-relationship thing though. It’s a text-sex thing, not a real sex thing, but still … we probably shouldn’t be doing it. It’s quite ironic when you consider that his bad kisses and incompatible foreplay rituals were one of the reasons I knew we needed to break up, and now I’m using the texted promise…

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Dating Sex The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of True Tales 

I Did a Bad, Bad Thing

Okay, so, last night I made a dumb decision. I decided to meet The Guy I Couldn’t Get Rid Of for a drink, taking the Bestie along with me, in a bar that I used to work in that would be filled with people I knew. You’d think that would be protection enough against any bad decisions, but no, my vagina had other ideas. I think it might have been the copious bottles of Budweiser that did it. I can’t remember how many I had, but I know that I…

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Dating My Mr. Grey Sex The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of True Tales 

I Said No to Sex?

I think I still have it bad for My Mr. Grey. I can’t get him out of my head, still. I had an invitation from The Guy I Couldn’t Get Rid Of to go and sit in his backyard and watch a meteor shower, which is an invitation I usually would say yes in a heartbeat too, but I couldn’t face going over there. I knew what it would mean if I did: we would sit in his garden and drink a beer, smoke a bit, start making out, and…

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Dating My Mr. Grey The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of 

I Did It!!!!

So, folks, I’ve got something to tell you all and I think you’ll be very proud of me. Actually, I have three quite exciting things to tell you. Are you ready? One: I’m in a relationship … kinda. Two: I told My Mr. Grey exactly how I felt about him. Three: He told me that he felt the same. Just give me a moment while I jump up and down on the spot and scream with flipping glee. Give me another moment. Imma need it.   It started when I…

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