Dating Number 1: My First Boyf The Boy On Pills The Tie-Me-Up Guy 

When Was Your First Time…? (Part One)

There’s nothing like a good bit of reminiscing about past lovers when you’re experiencing a dry spell in the sex/love department. That’s what I did today, at work, talking about firsts. Those moments in life that change it forever. You know the ones I mean: the first kiss, first fuck, first sexually awakening moment, first heartbreak, yadda, yadda. I thought it might make for a good blog post. Plus, I’m in the mood to talk about it and reminisce some more, so I apologise in advance if this gets a…

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Dating Number 1: My First Boyf The Bad Memory The Tie-Me-Up Guy 

When Was Your First Time … ? (Part Two: Loves)

Following on from my list of firsts, I decided to talk about my first loves. Before I continue, I need to warn you that this post contains talk of the following: controlling partners, domestic violence, cheating.   MY FIRST LOVE I have problems choosing my first love. I thought I was in love with all of the boys I dated in my younger years, but looking back now, after the bigger and better love affairs I’ve had, I know it wasn’t love at all; it was infatuation. Young obsession. Teenage…

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Dating The Fireman The Tie-Me-Up Guy 

When Was Your First Time … ? (Part Four: Heartbreak)

Yep, still carrying on with those firsts again. Carrying on from the kissing and sex stuff in Part One, and the first loves in Part Two, and my first great love in Part Three, I’m now moving on to heartbreak. Oh, the heartbreak!   MY FIRST HEARTBREAK I’ll never forget the first my heart broke over a boy, but it wasn’t actually a boy’s actions that caused the heartbreak … it was my own. It was nothing particularly big or spectacular, but I remember it plain as day, as though…

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Dating The Bad Memory The Copper The Oh-My-God Guy The Older Guy The Tie-Me-Up Guy 

Breakups, Breakups, Breakups …

List the People Who Have Broken up with You  Well …  we might be here a while. In case you’re wondering what I’m doing, I started a little ‘series’ of sorts when I came across a book of lists in Amsterdam. I started answering the questions/suggestions it was giving and here we are now – listing the people who have broken up with me. As I said, we might be here for some time … I remember my first real heartbreak – the first boy who ever broke my heart…

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