Jock My Dating Life 

I Am Such a Fucking Idiot

So … on Thursday night, I went out and got drunk. D-r-u-n-k. Blind, stinkin’ drunk. Me and a couple of my work colleagues had been invited to a training evening, but the training evening was actually an evening in a not-so-local pub, with a free bar. As you can probably imagine, it turned into less of a work event and more of a complete disaster the more the night went on … and the more the beer flowed. I had a fantastic night, flirting a little too much with the…

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Jock My Dating Life 

How Long Does it Take to Fall in Love?

Are you in a relationship? If you are, how long into that relationship did you realise you had fallen in love with the other person? Following on from that, how long were you with that person before you eventually told them that you loved them? I fall in love at the drop of the hat, and not just with men: with shoes, an outfit, a pair of earrings, a friend, a movie, a song, you name it … And I don’t just fall IN love at the drop of a…

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Jock My Dating Life One Ball 

Date Number Two: An Emotional Goodbye?

One Ball read my fucking blog. Because of course he wasn’t going to let our breakup go by easy. I can’t work out if this is going to be a big fuck-you blog post to him, or a big bye-bye blog post to you lot. I’m battling two very different sides of myself right now. Let me tell you the story of what happened on my second date with Jock. Jock and I went shopping for our second date, stopped to have some coffees, and then he dropped me home…

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My Dating Life One Ball 

So…. Today was shit.

I feel like I should explain my previous post; that letter to One Ball I wrote. I actually initially wrote it in anger and then edited so it was more explanatory than vengeful before I gave it to him … which was definitely a good idea. We did the whole breaking up thing a few days ago and it’s still all raw and weird. We’ve been texting a bit, mostly him asking why I refused to give things a go with him and me telling him – repeatedly – that…

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My Dating Life One Ball 

Dear One Ball …

Dear One Ball, There are a lot of reasons I broke up with you, and I know that you’re going to disagree with at least 90% of them. But you wanted a list so I’m giving it to you. Don’t say I never offered you closure. To start with, I’m terrified that you’ll read my blog … again. I haven’t written in it properly for months, and I think it’s because I’m worried that I’ll say too much, you’ll read it, and then we’ll fight because you’re upset. It feels…

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Big Love My Dating Life My Mr. Grey One Ball The Best Man The Hubby 

Bad Text Sex, Good Car Sex, The Exclusive Chat

I’ve been quiet recently. Sorry about that. It’s been a busy few days, but I thought it might be time to update you all with what’s been happening in my life. Are you ready? Drink in hand? Snacks close by? Then I shall begin … Big Love Let’s start with the Big Love obsession. Because, at this point, there’s no way it’s not an obsession. I was happily trundling through my two-week breakup crash course of sad, soppy movies that would absolutely make me cry, until, just like that, I…

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My Dating Life The Fireman The Tie-Me-Up Guy 

When Was Your First Time … ? (Part Four: Heartbreak)

Yep, still carrying on with those firsts again. Carrying on from the kissing and sex stuff in Part One, and the first loves in Part Two, and my first great love in Part Three, I’m now moving on to heartbreak. Oh, the heartbreak!   MY FIRST HEARTBREAK I’ll never forget the first my heart broke over a boy, but it wasn’t actually a boy’s actions that caused the heartbreak … it was my own. It was nothing particularly big or spectacular, but I remember it plain as day, as though…

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