Bear Mental Health My Dating Life NSFW / Sex True Tales 

Wandering Hands

I have a question: If my boyfriend is that disinterested in sex that we’re not having any of it [again], how come I keep waking up in the middle of the night with his hands down my pants?  Last night, for example. This morning, actually. 4:38 am, according to the clock. I found myself risen from my slumber, still in the dark, roused by something that was nice and annoying all at once. It took me a few moments to work out what it was: Bear’s hands. Bear’s hands rubbing…

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Girl Health - It's Important! Mental Health My Dating Life Someone New 

The Bad Feeling Day

I have had a very bad feeling about today from the moment I first opened my eyes. I don’t know how to explain it to you, but I like to call it my female intuition. You know what I mean, ladies: that overwhelming sense of dread you get right in the very pit of your stomach when you know something bad is going to happen. I don’t know what it is. I woke up with no energy even though I’d slept for about 7 hours straight (for once). I don’t…

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Click Jock My Dating Life 


Something happened the weekend just past, I think. Something very big and very beautiful and … well, very fucking scary. We – Jock and I – clicked into place. Something clicked. There was a click. We went from ‘dating’ to ‘in a relationship’ and we both felt it. It happened right there in front of us. We both already know that the chemistry is there between us. It’s kinda undeniable at this point. We can’t stop having sex, and although we’ve had a few hiccups here and there, everything is…

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Mental Health My Dating Life One Ball 

Impending Boom

Something’s wrong. I don’t know what it is, but something is definitely wrong. I feel out of sorts. Not quite right. Irritated and restless. It’s driving me potty. I’ve thought a lot about self-harming recently, but I’ve not actually done it. Not in a grab-the-razor-and-cut way, anyway. But a few mornings ago, when my hair wouldn’t go right, I scratched the tops of my arms so hard that I drew blood. I didn’t mean to, it’s just a … thing. Almost like I don’t know I’m doing it until after…

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My Dating Life One Ball 

Breathe a Sigh of Relief … ?

One Ball has been driving me mad. Don’t worry, we’re not breaking up or anything like that. He was staying at mine and one week magically turned into two weeks and by the time he left I was on the verge of throwing in the towel and kicking him to the curb for good. And despite telling me he’d be spending some time with family and friends and whatever while he was here, he actually only spent two days and one night with them. He was at mine for the…

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Big Love Me & My Opinions My Dating Life The Fireman The Hubby 

Tell Me What You See, When You Look at Me

I found myself watching some TV show about women and the way they see their bodies, and it got me to thinking. How do you feel about your body? Are you happy with it? Are there things that you’d like to change? How far would you go to change them? It’s funny, the relationship we have with our bodies, isn’t it? We’re stuck with them until the day we die but still, something about them still drives us to despair. I have the worst view of me/my body. I’ve been…

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My Dating Life One Ball 

The Tug-of-War.

I’m pulling away from One Ball. There, I said it. I’m creating drama for the sake of creating drama because there is nothing dramatic going on in my life and I don’t know why I’m doing that. But I am. Everything was going so bright and breezy. There wasn’t any fighting, we were getting along just fine, everything was fine … and I got bored. I fucked things up. We spent another awesome set of days together, laughing and watching movies and doing other things that regular couples do when…

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