My Dating Life My Mr. Grey One Ball 

My Mr. Grey is Back

“You never said you were in a relationship now. Miss hearing from you :(“ Well, My Mr. Grey found out that I was in a relationship. (I’m still with One Ball, not that I’ve spoken about him in a while.) I tried to skirt around the subject a bit, telling My Mr. Grey that I thought I’d mentioned it before in a conversation, but he didn’t believe me. We ended up having a rather heated conversation and now I feel like shit. “I knew it was all too good to…

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My Dating Life NSFW / Sex The Hubby The Neighbour's Husband True Tales 

Meet Number 36

Number 36, also known as The Neighbour’s Husband, was a cute boy. A soldier. Attractive, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and with a handful of tattoos. Some of them were jokey tattoos, designed to be displayed on drunken nights out, like that one on his butt that everyone joked about every time we went out drinking together. He got his butt out a lot. In fact, he did anything it took to make the people around him laugh. Number 36 had an infectious personality. When he was happy and chirpy, which he was…

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My Dating Life The Work Colleague 

Out of Hours

A little while ago, I talked to you about a chap I work with. [Dipping Your Pen in the Office Ink.] Well … things are starting to heat up there. Or they’ve all of a sudden started to heat up. I’m not sure if it’s been a gradual thing or an overnight thing,  but there has definitely been a temperature change. We’re usually bubbling away at a moderate flirtation level, but over the past few days, the temperature has been off the charts. Hot, hot, hot. Too hot. The kind…

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Big Love My Dating Life My Mr. Grey One Ball The Best Man The Hubby 

Bad Text Sex, Good Car Sex, The Exclusive Chat

I’ve been quiet recently. Sorry about that. It’s been a busy few days, but I thought it might be time to update you all with what’s been happening in my life. Are you ready? Drink in hand? Snacks close by? Then I shall begin … Big Love Let’s start with the Big Love obsession. Because, at this point, there’s no way it’s not an obsession. I was happily trundling through my two-week breakup crash course of sad, soppy movies that would absolutely make me cry, until, just like that, I…

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My Dating Life My Mr. Grey 

I Asked the Question… And Got No Answers!

I decided it was finally time for me to stop being a pussy, bite the bullet, and actually ask My Mr. Grey – OUTRIGHT – what the deal was between us. I huffed and I puffed and I paced the room a hundred times or more, typing out the message, rewriting it, deleting the entire thing and then starting all over from scratch again. It was nerve-wracking. I know we’ve discussed how we feel already, and how we both want it to go further, but now it really comes down…

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