Life Mental Health 

I Write. I Just Don’t Share.

  I feel the need to apologise for being a bad blogger again, but I’m trying to do less apologising in 2019. It’s one of those New Year’s Resolutions that I’ve already broken, but hey, there’s still plenty of time to turn things around.  2018 was a fucking cunt of a year. 2019 hasn’t been too kind to me so far either, but again, there’s still plenty of time to turn things around. I’m hoping if I tell myself that enough times it’ll actually happen.  Fingers crossed, folks.  I definitely…

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The Roxanne-Ryan Saga

I haven’t watched any of Celebrity Big Brother this year. Actually, that’s a lie; I watched the first one, realised that the celebrities weren’t actually real celebrities at all, and then didn’t tune in again. I was most disappointed when I realised Stormy Daniels wasn’t going in after all.  Being a victim/escapee of domestic abuse and violence, however, it’s kinda impossible not to be drawn in by the headlines right now. I lost myself for a full hour just reading news articles and social media comments, everyone having their say…

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I’m Sorry.

  I’d best get the important stuff out the way: I am sorry for leaving you in the lurch, midway through a mini-series. I will complete it and tell you all what happened.  I’m not sorry for taking some accidental and unintended time out. I really fucking needed it before I drove myself nuts.  I am sorry for not responding to Twitter notifications. I’m also really sorry if anyone was worried about me. (I’m okay, I promise.)  I’m not sorry for losing my NotSoSexintheCity phone for a few months. My…

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Dating Life The Lapdog 

I’ll Go Check Myself

  Sometimes, I say things on Twitter that I don’t think get taken very well. I don’t put things out there that well, in general, to be honest. I should blog more and tweet less. Not that I tweet enough as it is. I put my phone down for five minutes, lose it, and then forget to come back to it for a couple of days, leaving various conversations in limbo. I’m such an asshole like that. I’m sorry if I’ve done that to you. I really am. I’m such…

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Life Tech Advice & Social Media Secrets 

The Idiot’s Guide to Clearing Your iPhone (for Lucy)

  Right, I’m going to write a blog that is totally different from every other blog I’ve written. It’s technology-based rather than the usual sex, dating, and general moaning stuff. But I feel like this is important because there are some real dumbass twats out there who don’t seem to care that they are handing over their nudes, willy-nilly, to some random old man they met on the internet. Let me set the scene … Bear hops on to an online selling site to pick up a cheap phone for his…

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Bear Dating Life 

Car Parks & Shooting Stars

  I’m a little bit obsessed with space. Anyone who knows me knows that. It just amazes me. I watch space documentaries on the daily and the more I learn, the more I feel incredibly tiny. And the more I want to learn. I like feeling tiny. I love the feeling of knowing we are the tiniest magical blue dot in the middle of something vast and perhaps even never-ending. I seriously regret not paying more attention to this stuff when I was at school. If I’d have known that…

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The REAL Christmas Gift Guide

It’s Blogmas. I’m not taking part in it (obviously), but it has gotten me thinking. I’ve seen so many Christmas wish lists and gift guides over the last few days, and I think most of them are utter bullshit. In fact, utter bullshit isn’t strictly true. They’re the gifts you *should* buy the people you love, know, live with, and/or work with. What about the gifts that you *wish* you could buy them though … That’d be a funny list, right … ? Well, I decided to write that list.…

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Bear Dating Life 

Out in the Cold

  Content Warning: Discussing death. I’ve never been very good with death. I’ve never been very good at coping with grown-ass men crying either. So, when I plodded into the living room this morning to see Bear crying on the sofa because his friend had died, you can imagine the shit show. He cried. I cried. There was snot everywhere. I have the ugliest cry-face ever, but Bear’s cry-face is soul-destroying. It broke my heart. You could literally hear it crack, right down the middle. His friend died. Bear hadn’t…

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Dating Life Sex Tips 

Sexual Hoop-Jumping

  How many of you would demand that a partner get him or herself sexually checked out before you agreed to hop in the sack with them? I should do a twitter poll on this, you know. It would be super interesting to see the results. Because I do that. Exactly that. I’ve done it a few times. I DEMAND that a partner gets themselves sexually checked out before I’ll agree to “do bits”. Too much? I don’t think so. And I’m about to tell you why. Some of you will…

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Bear Dating Life 

7 Facts About Me (From Bear)

Hey, hey, hey! Guess who’s been a crap blogger again. Yep, that’s right. ME! I’m sorry. I don’t know why I can’t seem to get the posts actually on to my blog. It’s not like I’m not writing them. Well, half-writing them. Anyway, I’ve been nominated (by Rebecca Chase) to share seven facts about myself. I’ve done this kind of post a few times before, but talking about yourself is super fun. I love talking about myself, can’t you tell? Maybe I’ll link to the old fun-fact posts at the…

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