My Dating Life The Director 

Operation: Nice Girl

*I should have posted this on Sunday 8th November but I’m a bad blogger… It’s been such a long time since I blogged or at least it feels like that. It’s all been a bit nuts. I don’t even know where I should start. The Twirtation went and got all complicated and The Director and I broke up and made up again… Kinda. I’m currently sat on his couch with my feet up on his lap. Remembrance Day parade over, a spot of lunch done, we’ve retired to the couch…

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My Dating Life The Director 

I Didn’t Go Last Night…

So… I didn’t go last night. I didn’t go and see The Director. We kinda talked last night and we kinda talked some more this morning. I don’t really know where we’re at. I do know this though – this is a lot of hard work and hassle for something that’s only been going on for a few weeks. What are we at? Like eight weeks? Too soon for all this drama and bullshit that’s for sure. He said that things had ‘flat-lined’ for us since the Going-to-the-States Fight. I…

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My Dating Life The Director 

Happy Halloween! Pffft.

Ugh. I decided to play The Director at his own game and it kinda back-fired a little because life is a bitch like that. I played it cool about our date tonight, kinda assuming he would blow me out. It sounded like he was going to… He couldn’t get out of an event tomorrow and he’d need to leave home early in the morning. I said, “No worries” assuming that was his way of saying ‘thanks but no thanks’ and it was left at that. For a while at least.…

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My Dating Life The Director 

Stay Tuned…

I’ve gone and planted a fucking seed now haven’t I? The whole not being his only girl seed. I don’t think I’m the only girl The Director is talking to. Things have definitely changed. Once upon a time my ticks would turn blue the very second I sent him a message. There were many times I unlocked my phone after being away from it for half an hour or so, sent a message to him and the ticks would still turn blue immediately. That meant he was already looking for…

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My Dating Life The Director 

But Does He Want Me?

Every time I think I’ve made my mind up about The Director, he does something to change it back again. I’ve been kinda up and down about him a lot recently, some of which I’ll blame on my Twirtation, but I can’t figure him out. It’s driving me a little crazy… He says he can’t wait to see me yet our conversation is stumped. I’ll initiate it, he’ll respond and then that’s it. He won’t ask questions back. He won’t carry on the conversation. He either doesn’t bother messaging back…

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My Dating Life The Director 

The Going-To-The-States Fight

19/10/2015: Operation Blog Catch-Up I started writing for a new client recently. This client just so happens to have a famous actor brother. She has also fallen in love with me, my writing style, my sense of humour, everything. She wants me to go and visit her in the States. That’s what she said more than once. I wasn’t going to mention it to anyone because I put it down to just something people say sometimes – “Oh you must come and visit sometimes!” I didn’t take it too seriously…

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My Dating Life The Director 

A Twisted Form of Foreplay?

18/10/2015: Operation Blog Catch-Up There’s something about The Director and I just can’t put my finger on it. He’s a nice guy, a funny guy but he’s also a bit of a dick. Or maybe he just likes to argue? I’m not sure. I always thought our petty fights were a twisted form of foreplay but I’m starting to think he’s just an argumentative asshole. I’m not sure I like that side of him. We’ve had a few fights already in our brief dalliance. The second-date fight, the going-to-the-States fight…

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Dating Advice My Dating Life The Director 

It Really Irritates Me When Men Shave Their Chests

17/10/2015: Operation Blog Catch-Up It really irritates me when men shave their chests. Actually, do you know what? It really irritates me when men shave any other area of their body than their face and their nuts. What’s the point? Why are men doing this? The Director was a big fan of this weird shaving behaviour. In fact, I’ve dated a few men like this. Men who would rather be almost-bald and spiky rather than the hairy men they were born to be. I genuinely don’t get it and feel like…

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My Dating Life The Director 

Do You Have Children?

16/10/2015: Operation Blog Catch-Up It’s a topic we’ve kinda touched on a couple of times but ‘the future’ isn’t something The Director and I had really discussed up until this point. We’ve been on five or six dates, albeit 24-hour long ones, but I kinda figured it was probably a bit too soon to bring up something as serious and long-term as that. Apparently not.  We were chatting and laughing, chilling in his bed as we do and we started talking about the things we’d done in our lives –…

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My Dating Life The Director 

A Perfectly Reasonable Explanation…

15/10/2015: Operation Blog Catch-Up As you can probably tell over the last few posts on the blog, I’m very into The Director right now. Whatever it is he’s got, it’s working for me. I can’t wait to see him. I change plans to see him. I make sure I have funds set aside to see him. I do things for him too – I massage, I put out on demand, I cook, I clean, I drop to my knees and share my social-ness knowledge to help better his business. It’s…

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