Dating The Director 

Taking My Own Advice

Right… I’m apparently having a hard time getting over the whole Director situation. For a guy I didn’t see that often, talk to much or was with for very long, he seems to have made quite the impact. I’m pining a little. It’s all quite embarrassing really.

Coincidentally (and I’m totally taking it as a sign) I’ve released my little eBook. (Eeeeek!) It’s a guide to breaking up, one that I totally stand by too. But if I’m so sure the tips and tricks I suggest in the book will work, why don’t I put my money where my mouth is? Why don’t I start taking my own advice?

This should be entertaining. I’m a stubborn bitch. I don’t even know if I can make myself do something I don’t want to do…

Deep down, although I really wanted a relationship with this guy, I know he’s not really right for me. There are too many cracks already. Cracks that I know will be a problem throughout the entire course of our relationship. Eventually those cracks would break us up. It’s better that it happened now rather than a couple of months down the line when I’d fallen in love and all that crap. Or worse, a couple of years. I shudder at the thought.

But I know he wasn’t right for me. He was too argumentative when you consider I’m already a pretty argumentative person as it is. Plus I’m really stubborn and so’s he. He’s very domineering but not always in the right kind of way. Plus although I found him very attractive, I know he’s not traditionally attractive. He wasn’t really handsome. I just like really weird men. I like older men, the greyer the better, the quirkier the better. He was definitely older. And grey. Oh, and quirky too!

But he wasn’t right for me. I wish I didn’t know that but I do.

So, in order to help me get through this shitty little transitional period where all I want to do is text or fuck him, I’m going to start taking my own advice. I’m going to do all the things I tell other women to do when they’re having a hard time during their breakups. If I’m sure it’ll work, let’s prove it. Let’s call it a case study! 🙂

So… Watch this space I guess. Let’s see how good my own advice really is. I’m not sure if this is a good idea or not?

While you’re here, why don’t you check out The Badass Bitches Guide to Breakups!

“We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love, never so helplessly unhappy as when we have lost our loved object or its love.” 

That was a quote by Sigmund Freud and nothing could be closer to the truth. Unrequited love sucks.

Together, we can get through this breakup. You are every ounce the badass bitch you think you are. You just need a little supportive hand right now and hopefully, my tragic tales will be enough to scare or humour you through it. Someone may as well learn from my pathetic tales of woe… Perhaps I might even start taking my own advice?

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