Dating The Director 


I’m such a cunt. Sorry for the expletives but I might as well set the tone nice and early. There I was tapping out a few hundred words of how I was stuck in the middle of two men – The Director and The Dom and there he was not giving a shit. The Director I mean, not The Dom.

We’ve barely spoken. He was on the stag do and he’s going to be busy all week. And then there’s the wedding next weekend. And all next week he has exams or some shit. And then the weekend after he has three business events…

Well, that’s pretty much you booked up right until Christmas then. What’s the fucking point? I mean, it’s not like we actually talk to each other. Ever. We don’t communicate at all. It’s only when I happened to think about it that I realised we hadn’t sent each other a single message for over 48 hours. Not one ‘good morning’. Not one ‘good night’. Nothing.

Actions speak louder than words and his actions were telling me everything I needed to know.

Despite that, despite all of that fucking bullshit and the fact we had flatlined one more time, I figured I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. And what does he go and do? He goes and screws me over like the true fucking twat-bag he is. And he hates the word twat so from now on, I’m going to include that word as many times as possible. Kinda counterproductive considering he’s never going to read this but whatever.

What a twat. 

I do a job. I’ve not been doing the job long and I kinda need all the clients I can get my hands on. I agreed to help him with some stuff for his business in exchange for a testimonial. He’d let me create a ‘case study’ of sorts to show prospective new clients about his business and what I’d done to help him grow it. And let’s face it, I did a lot. I came up with an entire new sideline business for him and I sold out one of his venues for the first time too. I showed him what he could be missing out on. I helped him with all of that, spending hours of my free time on it even though he screwed over my ideas on more than one occasion. And what does he go and do? He tells me, he fucking TELLS me, he’s decided to hire someone to do what I’ve been doing. He’s taking my ideas and giving them to someone else to finish off.

What the fuck? Sorry? What did you just say to me? Did you really just kick me in the teeth like that? Did you?

Yep, he did. The stuff I’ve been doing for free, all those ideas I had, all those things I helped him with; he’s taken them and he’s giving them to someone else, a MAN no less, to finish the job for me.

What the fucking fuck? What? I can’t even get my head around why a) he’d do that and b) he’d fucking tell me about it?!

He’s a twat. More than a twat, he’s a fucking asshole. I don’t know what’s worse either – he’s either doing it to get a reaction out of me or he’s doing it because he doesn’t take me seriously. I think it’s the latter. He know’s I’m good at my job because I have proved myself time and time again. I just think he likes to belittle me and make me feel like a prick. Well, we’ll see who feels like a prick now.

He’ll be waking up to one hell of a morning message that’s for sure. Thanks but no thanks. Now kindly fuck off. Don’t bother fighting for me. Don’t bother with your sweet nothings. I want none of that. I’ve made my mind up and it certainly ain’t you.


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