Big Love Dating Jock 

Cinderella’s Glass Slipper

7.5-minute read

Lots of expletives

I feel like I should start this blog post by saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I’ve been such a busy little bee that I’ve barely had time to blog at all, which is very uncool. I’m sorry about that. I’ve been working a lot, working my other job a lot, seeing my family, eating far too much food, seeing my man … You know how it is. Time just zips past too fast, doesn’t it?

I have quite a lot to talk about so I’ll try to put it in some kind of order. Where shall I start … ?


Ah yes, the love of my life – the one who got away – is back in my life. Well, ish. He popped up digitally, at seven o’clock this morning, commenting on a couple of images I shared a few days ago. For fuck’s sake.

I was fundraising for something, and I just so happened to have included the shoes that he bought me in the images. I’d tagged a few family members in the image to try and get them to put their hands in their pocket and/or share too, and that’s how he saw them. He’s still friends with my mother’s boyfriend. Picture my not-impressed face right now.

“They look familiar. How y’all doing?”

What an utter cunt. Everyone that was tagged in that image – most of my family and a few of my friends – would’ve received the same notification from him as I did. They’ll all see it, if they haven’t already. What an absolute fucking cunt. What was the fucking point? What, just so you could show that you’re still around? That you can still piss me off? My family didn’t exactly like him towards the end anyway, so … yeah, what was the fucking point?

It’s actually REALLY funny that he should happen to pop into my life right now because he’s not actually the only one. I recently posted another image to Facebook, but this one was of just me – no shoes, no fundraising, just a good, old fashioned mirror shot. Except this one was slightly different to the last few mirror shots because I’d lost a substantial amount of weight. And, of course, everyone commented on it … because people think it’s okay to do that.

Alongside Big Love (who’d have seen the new image when I made it my profile pic), the following list of other men have popped up, either to have a “chat” or to tell me that I “now look fantastic”:




Apparently, losing weight makes me hot. So many fucking eye-rolls.

Anyway, moving on.


Jock and I are doing just fine, in case you were wondering. Well, we are when random dickheads from my past don’t keep popping up into my present because Jock goes all silverback gorilla every time they do. Chest-beating, puffing himself up, making lots of noise and stomping around the place. You get the idea.

We decided to do ‘our’ Christmas together a bit later than actual Christmas. Neither of us had the other’s gifts sorted in time and a bunch of family and other things seemed to get in the way of any plans we made. His gifts were cute enough — a bunch of Disney related stuff, some Barbie stuff, all the pink n’ glittery things I love the most.

But then there was something else.

A while back, maybe a few months or so, I’d seen a picture of a pair of shoes I fell in love with, on Pinterest. I showed him the image and he agreed: those shoes were absolutely a bit of me. They were Ducati shoes. There’s some serious Ducati-love in my family (thanks, Dad!), so we all go a bit ga-ga over anything new featuring the Ducati name, logo, or colours.

Jock couldn’t find those shoes to buy me. Nor could he afford to pay someone a lot of money to custom-create me a pair of shoes just like it. So, he did the next best thing … he made me my very own version of the shoes. And then he bought a glass stand with a glass lid, and then he filled the base of that stand with little diamond-looking gems, and then he created a little gem-covered stand inside the stand to pop one of the shoes on.

The shoes were gorgeous. Not for me to wear, obviously, and I wouldn’t have done even if he’d bought the shoes in my size (5) rather than two sizes bigger (for more room to decorate them). They were covered in glitter, mimicking the design and colours of the pair I’d seen on Pinterest, and it must’ve taken him hours to piece it all together for me.

And to top it all off … there was only ONE shoe in the glass cabinet. Why? Because he’s got “something special” planned for the other one, Cinderella-style. Fuck my life, he’s my actual fucking prince. He’s the one with my other glass slipper, literally. Fuck, is he actually the ONE?

Is he going to propose? My birthday is coming up in a few months, so maybe that’s what the other shoe is being held back for? Oh my gosh, I’d absolutely say yes if he asked. We’ll have been together about a year by that point, so, yeah, it’s not exactly SUPER soon, is it?

I should probably calm down. I’m getting way too carried away with this. I don’t even know that’s the reason he’s holding the other shoe back for. Plus, I need to get divorced before I can get married again.

But OMG though! Is this going to happen? Do I want it to happen?

Fuck my life.

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One Thought to “Cinderella’s Glass Slipper”

  1. Singles Warehouse Online Dating Magazine

    It’s funny how adding something to Facebook spurs people to do things and get in touch!

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