A Booty Call & A DateDating 

A Booty Call & A Date

So …. As you’re reading this, I’ll be heading off on my jollies. I’ll be on a plane somewhere (hopefully), but I felt I should keep you in the loop as to what’s been going on other than, well, you know.

I’ve gone nuts for dating apparently. Some of the men I’d ignored / ghosted / didn’t even give a chance to over the last few weeks re-struck up their conversations with me once I’d gone back online on PoF and Tinder again (you know – the on/off status of the last epic mistake), and I figured some of them were actually pretty cute so I’d give them a shot. I’m a single gal and this single gal needs to have some fun. And why shouldn’t I? I’ve read back through some of the last year’s of drivel on the blog and honestly, it’s sooooooo depressing. I keep being respectful and kind to people, only dating one guy at a time, playing by the rules, giving them everything I’ve got, and still getting fucked over anyway. I think it’s about time I let my hair down a little bit. So that’s just what I’m going to do … [Insert devil-face emoji here]

Bizarrely, when I felt super shit and needed an ego-boost (and a booty call) the most, The Fireman popped up on my Facebook messenger for the first time in a while. For those of you who don’t know / can’t keep up with my growing list of men, this is a guy who I dated for two years about ten years ago. We’ve slept together a few times since and about a year or so ago, he asked if we could give our love story another shot … despite the ten years that had passed. I decided against it for one main reason – all those years ago I slept with his sister, he found out about it and his family still think I’m a “slag”.

Anyway, he messaged me. How was I? What was I up to these days? Did I fancy having a catch-up soon?

Actually … Yes. Yes, I would. Do you know why? Because I CAN.

“When are you free?”

“I’m away next week but how about the weekend? Or the week after that? We could have a few drinks …?”

He knows what “a few drinks” means. I don’t drink. There would only be one reason why I would drink, and we both know who’s bed I’ll end up in if I do. He knows I don’t want him romantically because I’ve made that very clear. But he knows I want him for something. It’s that unspoken agreement we have. Last time I wasn’t available so we had catch-up and cokes. This time I am available so we’re having catch-up and whatever alcohol is on offer. And why not? He was dynamite in bed, definitely one of the more playful lovers I’ve ever had. I’m single, he’s single, he knows the score and exactly what I want him for, plus he’s very well endowed. Almost too well endowed. It’s funny because I was chatting to someone just a couple of days ago about how there is such a thing as too big when it comes to penises. That’s just what I think anyway. (I’m only little!)

But wait, that’s not the only date I have when I get back from my trip! I’ve planned another although, to be honest, I’m expecting this one to go tits up at any moment. He’s bald for a start, you know how much I love a hairy man, plus he never uses punctuation in his messages and I’m starting to get really pissed off with trying to decipher them. Is that a shitty reason to thanks-but-no-thanks someone? He’s cute though, 11 years older, couple of kids (16+) and an ex-wife, looking for someone to marry and potentially have more kids with — a ‘soulmate’. He’s not looking for a one night stand or someone who’ll play him around. It seems more and more men are offering this kind of information upfront these days – kids, ex-wives, future intentions, etc. What’s that all about?

Oh, and he’s 5’5”. He’s the shortest man I’ve dated in a long time. I’m not sure if height is an issue for me but if we meet up, I guess I’ll find out. Jock was quite short and it was never a problem back then.

So that’s where we’re at. A holiday followed by a booty call and a date with the short, bald dude who I’m not quite sure about.

Busy, busy!

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