One Ball True Tales 

Wank-a-Holics Anonymous.

I haven’t had sex in two weeks. Two weeks and two days if you want me to get really exact about things. I’m such a frustrated little bunny today. Super frustrated. Like a walking erection but with a vagina. That doesn’t even make sense, does it? Meh. Whatever. I’m SUPER frustrated. I’m used to going without sex for weeks at a time. I was an Army WAG to start with and that meant going without sex for four or six months at a time, sometimes. Plus I had many a…

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One Ball 

T-Minus 4 Sleeps

I’m seeing One Ball in T-minus 4 days. I’m excited, folks, but I’m also stressed. Do you want to know why? Because there is so much stuff to do and not enough time to do it all. Let me invite you into my pre-fuck ritual … I need to shave my legs. I actually prefer epilating but I need to do that a week before the ‘event’, and then again a couple of days after that to make sure that all of the hairs are gone, even the little ones.…

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Big Love My Mr. Grey One Ball The Guy I Couldn't Get Rid Of The Lapdog 

Happy New Year’s Eve!

This time last year, on December 31st, 2011, I made some New Year’s resolutions: * I wanted to give up smoking. * I also wanted to avoid falling in love with the following people – drug addicts, compulsive liars, cheaters, wife-beaters, emotional fuck-ups, attention seekers, and general fucktards. It was all very Bridget Jones, but I remember feeling very strong about the resolution I made as I posted it to Facebook. * I also said that I’d get my shoe-buying habit in check. So … how did I do with…

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One Ball 

Fuck me, I Love You

Fuck! I’ve been dying to update my blog for ages. I’m so sorry for the wait, people, but I’ve had company. (If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know.) The lovely One Ball came to stay with me for four days, and he left a little over ten hours ago. As much as I’m enjoying the time to myself again, I sure am missing him already. But I know just what I can do to distract myself … I can tell you about what we got up to! Oh my…

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One Ball Toy Time [Reviews] True Tales 

Night 1: Electro-Sex

It’s time, peeps. Following on from my safe-for-work last post, I’m bringing you all of the smutty details from my four days of frivolous fucking with One Ball, and I’m just going to dive right in …  NIGHT 1: ELECTRO-SEX One day, a couple of weeks ago, during a steamy conversation with One Ball, I happened to mention a thing that I wanted to try in the bedroom. I’d seen electro-sex kits [electric shock kits?] online and found myself really intrigued by them, wondering just how zazzy those zaps would…

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One Ball True Tales 

NIGHT 2: Nine and a Half Weeks

The thing about One Ball is that he’s naughty and nice, rolled into quite a good-looking package. He can transform from innocent, naive and big-eyed to red-hot, bitey and passionate in the swiftest of moments. One minute he’s cute and goofy and making me laugh, and the next … he’s definitely not making me laugh, put it that way. “What shall we do tonight?” he asked. “How about a movie and takeout?” I suggested. A few minutes of browsing through the DVDs in my cabinet later, we agreed upon Nine…

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One Ball True Tales 

NIGHT 3 (and 4): Stuffing, Sliding and Sleeping

“You’ll need to go gently with me tonight, I’m a little sore,” I told One Ball, as we got into bed. It was his third night staying at mine, and we’d already had two pretty adventurous, energetic nights. In case you missed them – Night 1: Electro-Sex Night 2: Nine and a Half Weeks   And then there we were: night three. “I’ll go slow and use lots of lubricant. Just tell me if it gets too much,” he replied, slowly shuffling down the bed and reaching up for my…

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One Ball 

Farting, Fucking & Frivolity

Heeeeeey, folks! I’m back! I’ve been away for a little while with some blog-related drama (WordPress deleted me and then brought me back to life), but I have so much to tell you. I have BUCKETLOADS of stuff to tell you. One Ball and I … we finally said the L-Word to each other. Yes, peeps, we are in love! It was Sunday the 13th of January, after five months of dating, just a casual afternoon of me doing some work stuff and him texting me from his military base,…

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One Ball 

I Need a Soldier!

“I know some soldiers in here, where they at, where they at? They wanna take care of me, where they at?” I love that Destiny’s Child song. It’s funny how that came on today, of all days, to remind me of my man-in-uniform obsession … One Ball and I had a conversation this morning about his leaving the military life and rejoining civvie street. The redundancy list was out and his name was on it. Thankfully, he wanted to leave the army anyway, but that redundancy list can be a…

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My Mr. Grey One Ball 

My Mr. Grey is Back

“You never said you were in a relationship now. Miss hearing from you :(“ Well, Mr Mr. Grey found out that I was in a relationship. (I’m still with One Ball, not that I’ve spoken about him in a while.) I tried to skirt around the subject a bit, telling My Mr. Grey that I thought I’d mentioned it before in a conversation, but he didn’t believe me. We ended up having a rather heated conversation and now I feel like shit. “I knew it was all too good to…

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