Sexy Story I Don't Want You to TalkErotic Fiction 

Sexy Story: I Don’t Want You to Talk

Are you in the mood for a sexy story? Well, I’ve got one for you, so, get comfortable, grab a drink (or your cock,) and let’s get right to it.

Just shut up for a moment. I don’t want you to talk, or gloat, or tell how much you’ve been waiting for this day. I just want you to shut the fuck up and let me do what I want to do to you. That’s it. No more, no less. Do you think you can do that? Yes? Good.

I’ve thought about you a lot, but you can’t ever bring that up again. It’s your cock, I think. Or maybe it’s just you? I’ve never really been sure, but there’s something about you I just can’t stop thinking about. We always had so much fun together. Well, maybe fun is the wrong word, but it was always…. something.

Damn, it was something.

It was horrible sometimes, but the sex was always amazing. Even when I didn’t want it and you went too far, I was surprised at my body’s willingness to do exactly as you commanded. That was your trick, I think: learning how to read me and my body, somehow knowing everything I wanted a few seconds before I realised, I even wanted it.

Get on the couch, please. Actually, I take the please back. Get on the fucking couch. I just want to look at you for a moment. Take you in. Remember how much I hate you before I remember how much I don’t hate you.

Fuck you, by the way.

Fuck you for all those times you made me cry. Now take your top off. I want to see if you’ve added more tattoos to that body, I can’t wait to get my hands on. Did you cover my tattoo up? In fact, don’t answer that yet. I’ll get to it. I’ll see for myself when I take your jeans off.

I’m going to take my t-shirt off now, but I won’t break eye contact as I do. I won’t say a word, either. You’ll be lost for words, because me turning up at your door and taking control is the very last thing you thought you’d be seeing tonight. But that’s the thing about me: I’m surprising. I don’t think you ever really gave me the opportunity to show you that.

Do you like this bra? You always liked black underwear, right? I know it’s not lace but I didn’t have time for lace. It took me a while to get here, and I had to arrive before I changed my mind, turned around, and went right back home again. Home, to the sensible decisions and the right moves; instead of here, in front of you, making terrible decisions that will undoubtedly bite me right in the ass.

Do you want to bite me on the ass? I kinda wish you would.

Fuck it. I’m here already. Let’s do it.

Shall I take my jeans off? I want to see you do that enthusiast nod again, just so I can turn you down and make you wait. I want to torture you in all the ways you always tortured me. Fuck you. You fucked with my head; it’s about time I fucked with yours.

What have you been up to since the last time we saw each other? In fact, don’t answer that. I don’t give a shit. I’m just going to take your jeans off, and your socks. Look at you, sat on the couch in just your underwear. Do you feel exposed? Vulnerable? Wondering what’s going to happen next? Good. That’s just how I want you to feel. Confused. Fucked in the head. Not quite sure what you’re doing, or why.

Where’s your Bluetooth speaker? I’m going to put some music on. I made a playlist of ‘our’ songs many years ago, and I’ve never quite gotten around to deleting it from my library. Every now and then I’ll have a listen, let the memories fill my conscious, cry all the tears I was too shocked and surprised to cry back then…

Do you remember this song? Do you remember when we fucked on your couch to it? I was sat right there, and you came over and yanked me closer. I’d just gotten out of the shower, all wrapped up in your dressing gown, droplets of water dripping onto my bare shoulders from my clipped-up hair.

“You smell good enough to eat,” you’d said.

“Eat me, then,” I’d quipped right back.

Do you remember? I think you do. Your cock definitely does. I can see it stirring as you sit there in your underwear. I know you want me to lower myself to my knees, crawl towards you, and take your cock into my mouth, just like I always used to do, but I’m not going to do that. I’m not. I really want to do that, but I won’t ever let you know it. This visit is meant to be all about me – my needs, my wants, my revenge. It can’t be about you. It just can’t be.

I wish you wouldn’t look at me like that. I can read your mind when your eyes look that way, all dark and mischievous and knowing. It’s because you know. You know. You know that I’m about to drop to my knees, crawl towards you, and take your cock in my mouth, just like I said I wouldn’t – only just enough to get you hard, though. I might be all gung-ho and sassy and fuck-you right now, but deep down, I just want us to fuck in all the ways we used to.  

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s fuck.

Let’s fuck in all the ways we used to, and then some new ones.

Let’s fuck in all the ways we’ve always wanted to, but never been brave enough to say.

What d’ya think?

Thanks so much for reading my blog today! 🖤

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