Sexy Short Story It’s SnowingTrue Sex Stories The Hubby 

Sexy Short Story: It’s Snowing!

Are you in the mood for a sexy short story? You’re here, so I’m guessing the answer is a firm yes! Buckle up and get comfortable, because although short, this one sure has some spice! Perfect for those cold winter nights…

“It’s snowing outside,” I said to him, excitedly poking at his ribs to wake him up.

“Huh?” he groaned. It was the middle of the night; who’d blame him for groaning?

“Outside!” I repeated. “It’s snowing!”

I ran through the apartment, yanking opening the glass door that led to the balcony, before hopping out. It was the first time I’d seen snow in Deutschland, and the first time I’d seen snow like that. Thick. Fluffy. Freshly laid and without a single footprint disturbing it.

The Hubby eventually pottered out after me, his eyes growing wide at the brightness of the scene.

“Fucking hell,” he mumbled, as he snaked his hand around my waist. “That’s proper snow.”

We stood and watched as the big flakes fell down, the balcony above protecting us from getting covered. He’d had the good sense to throw a winter coat on and, of course, I hadn’t. I was shivering in just his t-shirt and a pair of pants – my winter nighttime wear of choice.

“Daft cow,” he chuckled, wrapping his arms – and the coat – around me. “Get in closer.”

I did as I was told, shuffling backwards and snuggling in. And, once again, we stood and watched as the snow fell harder and harder. It looked like a blizzard to me, but it was quite normal for the area, apparently.

I wasn’t sure where the idea came from, but it popped into my head like it had been planted there by someone else. Pop. I’m horny. Pop.

“I want you to fuck me.” The whispered words escaped before I’d even had a chance to think about it.

His hands responded before I’d finished the sentence, pushing my pants to the side and pushing me forward. My nipples brushed over the cold metal railing, and despite the t-shirt, they painfully sprung to attention. It made me gasp, and he put one hand over my mouth to muffle any further sounds. It was a good job he did; just a few seconds more and the sound of a door creaking open shattered the silence.

It was our upstairs neighbour, popping out for a smoke, clearly just as enthralled by the large white flakes as we had been.

I held my breath, not daring to move a muscle or even exhale. To my horror, though, The Hubby had a different idea. Tightening his grip over my mouth, he slowly slid into me, right to the hilt. Then, he slowly slid out, and in, and out. Deliberately. Silently. Desperately.

The need for silence, the snow, the fact that our upstairs neighbour could pop his head over the balcony – at any second – and spot us… it was a heady and intoxicating mix. Thankfully, our neighbour slammed his door shut right at just the right moment for me to lose complete control.

Gripping the metal bar, not caring about the stinging cold on my hands, I got what I needed: release.

And just a couple of seconds later, so did The Hubby.

Thanks so much for reading my blog today! 🖤

Are you in the market for another sexy short story? I’ve got a few more for you… 


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