Life After LLETZ: What They Don’t Tell You

Right, peeps, this post isn’t going to be a pretty one. It’s about life after LLETZ, and you’re not going to want to read it – but you should. I’m going to tell you my story of what happened once I was diagnosed with High-Grade Dyskaryosis, before then having a colposcopy, and requiring a procedure called LLETZ — Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone. Also known as LOOP, it is invasive and pretty painful even though they say it won’t be. You can read more about the actual procedure…

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High Grade Dyskaryosis HPV+ 

Smear for Smear: High Grade Dyskaryosis

So, it’s taken me a little while to write about this, mostly because it’s actually a pretty terrifying thing for any woman to go through. After already broaching the topic of cervical cancer and some pretty suspect symptoms along the way with a doctor, and being laughed out of the GP’s office, I had put the thought of it all to the back of my mind. I went for my routine three-yearly smear and within six days I’d received a letter – “High grade dsykaryosis”. (See previous blog post) I…

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Smear for Smear

So, I’d seen the #SmearForSmear campaign online, and I figured it was about time that I went and booked my smear test. Fast-forward a few weeks, I was sitting in the stirrups, trying not to fart with fear.  “Wait two weeks for the results,” the vagina-hunter told me. “If you’ve not been sent a letter in that time, give your GP a call.” Less than seven working days after I had my smear, I got a letter. “There were some changes to some of the cells in your cervix called…

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Jock Mental Health 

I’m Fucking Falling For You

Fuck me, I don’t even know where to start updating you with everything. I’m about a week behind in blog posts, so I’ll try to keep things nice and easy to read along with … but I have so much to tell you! “I’m picking you up after work. Wear the cowboy boots and that dress again, please,” Jock text me. It thrilled me that he’d told me what to wear. It’s a little bit of a kink of mine, I think; a man telling me what to wear, how…

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One Ball Mental Health 

Impending Boom

Things aren’t going well with One Ball and I. In fact, they’re going pretty disastrously, but I don’t think that’s the whole reason I’m spiralling out of control right now. He was due to visit me the past two weekends and I’ve cancelled them both, plus I’m already trying to think of reasons to cancel the next weekend we have planned together. We definitely need to break up. In fact, I need to break up. I don’t know how he’s feeling. What happened? A whole load of him not letting…

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