
He Doesn’t Own a Single Saucepan

You know when you move in with someone and you find out all this weird stuff about them … Well, yeah, that. Let’s talk about that right now. Why? Because I vomited this morning and it seems like a really great place to start. Let’s go back to the beginning. “Babe, the kettle’s broke.” “Please tell me you’re kidding. Oh my god, I’m going to die. This is it, this is how it ends for me. Lack of morning tea. Bye Bear, I love you.” “Don’t be so dramatic, I…

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I’m at Home Right Now …

I’m at home right now. I’m at home surrounded by my own mess, desperately trying to pack and getting nowhere. My cat just keeps jumping in and out of the boxes and suitcases I’m trying to neatly arrange things in, and I just can’t seem to keep my mind on one thing and one thing only for very long. I don’t know where this wave of anxiety has come from. Before I put my key in my door, I had no reservations about moving in with Bear at all. Now…

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Bring. It. On.

Moving in with someone, that’s a fucking massive step, isn’t it? But it’s a step I appear to be taking with Bear. It’s a step we’ve been talking about for a while, too long probably, and too early on in our relationship. But, six months in, we’ve finally made that decision: we’re moving in together. It makes total sense, really. I seem to be spending more and more time at Bear’s house. One rent payment each month would definitely be nicer than two. And the rest of the bills for…

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The Three-Week Accidental Holiday

Here’s a few things I learned when I accidentally spent three weeks at Bear’s house: He leaves dirty laundry everywhere. It doesn’t piss me off. It makes me laugh every time I pick it up. Every sock. Every pair of pants. Every t-shirt. I’m pretty sure that is the very definition of loving someone, of accepting someone, warts and all, their every little foible and quirk. He’s horny. All. The. Time. I’m a horny little thing sometimes, and especially in the first flourishes of a new relationship, but he’s something…

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The Accidental Brown Eyes-Shaped Hole Bear Brown Eyes 

Case of the Ex, Pt. 2: The Accidental Brown Eyes-Shaped Hole

Well, where was I? I literally have about 20 almost-finished blog posts here, all stacked up. Stuff I’ve written on my phone, or on my iPad, or on my Mac. I need to actually put them together into a blog post at some point, and I’m starting that right now. I’m sorry I’ve been so absent. In my defence, there was a death and then a funeral, I basically moved in with Bear and then I went back home again, I had to hang out with my family … Y’know.…

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Case of the Ex Bear Brown Eyes 

Case of the Ex

I have all these blog posts I really want to post, but instead I’m wasting my time with that fucking moron again. Once again, despite our last email exchange, Brown Eyes still hasn’t got the picture, and right now he’s more than pissing me off. Now he’s actively wrecking my relationship. It was 9am, I’d woken up desperately needing to pee and it was freezing cold outside the duvet. When I got to the bathroom, my 5-day-late period had arrived, which I was seriously thankful for but it pissed me…

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Don’t Try to Out-Alpha-Female Me, Bitch Bear 

Don’t Try to Out-Alpha-Female Me, Bitch

I found myself watching Bear work a while back. She was a female client, looked to be in her 40’s, quite a harsh and abrasive woman, but one I smiled at and was nice to nevertheless. The job took about three hours from start to finish, and as I tried to concentrate on my own work in front of me, her annoying, grating voice was the only thing bouncing around in my head. Within about forty minutes of being in her presence, I wanted to punch her. Square on punch…

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Bear Brown Eyes 

See Ya

My relationship is going splendidly. There’s nothing really wrong [yet], and things seem to be blending together just as they should. Bear and I live together really well, and more than that, we encourage each other to do good stuff. Bear’s Son and I get on really well too, and that’s made me happier than I thought it might. It’s surprising how much I care for that little dude already. Another story for another day perhaps? The thing I want to talk about is what always happens when you find yourself…

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Bear True Sex Stories 

The Denim Skirt With the Bare Legs

“Turn around and bend over, baby. Bend over and place your forearms flat along the arm of the chair.  Now, leave your left leg with your foot on the floor, and lift your right leg … that’s it, lean your knee on the couch. There’s a good girl. Now, stay there. You were bad today.”  I’d been teasing him all day. The new knee-to-ankle tattoo was too painful to wear jeans over, and the only other thing I’d packed was a denim skirt and tights. I had a thousand t-shirts…

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Seven Years Ago Domestic Abuse The Hubby 

Seven Years Ago

CONTENT WARNING: Contains details of domestic violence & abuse. I was drunk seven years ago today. My TimeHop reminded me of that when I woke up this morning. I was drunk and sat in a paddling pool in my friend’s back garden seven years ago. Well, my female friend and her soldier-boy husband. Why? Because I’d learned my husband had cheated on me… again. I don’t know why my friends had a paddling pool, because they didn’t have any kids. I don’t even really know how I ended up at…

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