Matching Tattoos

In 10 days, Jock and I will have been “officially” together for 7 months. I say officially – that was the first time we fucked. The 26th June, my beautiful Tattooed Jock took me camping and stole my heart. It was beautiful and meaningful and my life changed that day. I knew from day one that he would be special to me – didn’t I say that?

(See The Tale of the 11 Hour Date – I told you I knew he was special!)

I found a picture on Pinterest in the early hours of this morning when I yet again suffered at the brutal hands of insomnia. 3:30am I was still awake AND I had to get up at 6:30am. Getting up this morning was beyond brutal. It was bloody barbaric.

At a more acceptable hour I sent it to him. The picture, just in case you are wondering, is this:


“I’m not suggesting anything. But I think I’m gonna get the “Q” and the love heart tattooed on my pinkie finger. That is super cool!” 

It wasn’t a lie – I wasn’t suggesting anything but, to my surprise, he came back with the cutest rebuttal:

“Might join you… entwining our feelings”

Awwwww! I asked him if he was being serious. He was.

I told the Pregnant Colleague (who has since had the baby and might possibly die – this is something I’m gonna need to talk about later) and she told me that his gesture of our joint matching tattoos was basically a proposal. I reminded her that we weren’t having it done on our ring fingers; we were having it on our pinkie fingers. Still, she’s adamant it’s a proposal. This is the girl that thinks he’s going to be the one to change my mind about having babies…

Have we been together long enough to get matching tattoos? We’re not having each other’s names permanently inked onto our bodies; it’s just a little symbol. The tiniest symbol. It’ll be the smallest tattoo either of us had ever had. It’s funny how something so small could mean something so big.

Seven months tho… It does seem a bit rushed. It’s all a bit “Jeremy Kyle” to me but somehow, I’m going along with it. Somehow something says it’s a good idea. Am I blinkered like I was with all those other guys before him? Am I so blinded by my feelings for him that I can’t see the bad points about him yet? Or is this the real deal?

I don’t remember feeling like this with the Big Love or the Hubby. I must have felt something like this for them though otherwise I wouldn’t have married one and gone to the other side of the world with the other. Am I doing the same thing again? Am I getting carried away with myself or is this the real thing?

I can’t have these conversations with the Bestie. I know he doesn’t mean to but he makes it kinda hard because I know he’s secretly watching for Jock to fuck up. I know he’s just looking out for me and I love him for it, but at the same time, he doesn’t make it easy to just chat about my relationship. I can see myself getting blindly lead down Cupid’s garden path by this guy… I don’t know if it’s too fast?

The worst thing about it all is that I don’t really want things to slow down. As we’ve already established, I’m already mentally engaged to the guy (mental being the right word here too!) and would probably skip down the aisle to be his lawfully wedding wife. Or whatever the vow is. He’s special. He’s perfect for me. Maybe not for everyone else, but he’s just right for me.

So fuck it. Matching tattoos it is.

I’ll post pics once the deed had been done!



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2 Thoughts to “Matching Tattoos”

  1. Good luck with it.. I think its cute.. :-D.. Iv been wanting to get a tattoo for a while, but i’m a little scared of the

    1. Lol its not so bad. I’ve got three tats so far. So many more planned… They are addictive!

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