I am Fucking Raging.

Surprise surprise, she’s pissed off again. Apparently the course of true love doesn’t run fucking smooth. Although to be fair, this time, I think I might be overreacting a little bit.

So… The Redneck and his other half went to Vegas to get married and today was the day. It was going to be happening at 6pm our time, and I could watch it online with some streaming thing. Jock was so excited about it so I got all excited about, and I rushed home faster than I’ve ever gotten home before in my life and a few minutes late, I managed to catch up and watch it. It was so beautiful. Clumsy but beautiful.

The rings didn’t fit because they both had swollen fingers from the long flights, combined with the hot weather. She looked so serious throughout the entire ceremony that she barely managed to crack a smile, and he was so nervous all he did was giggle repeatedly. It was adorable to watch though, and Jock was messaging me the entire way through. It was super cute, trust me.

Once it was all over and we had both admitted we almost shed a tear, I went over to Facebook to post a congratulatory message on The Redneck’s Facebook wall, and guess who had already got there….

The Fucking Ex. Again. I have a serious fucking problem with this chick. I went to post a cute comment from my boyfriend and me, and he was already up there, hand in hand with his ex-fucking-girlfriend.

“Just watched The Redneck and his other half get married live in Vegas!!! Congratulations guys!!! Awww other half, you looked great xxx – with Jock”

What a fucking whorebag. I hope she trips, slips and bursts her own fake tit. Every time I have a burst of strength and try to get over the fact that she’s rubbing her presence in my relationship in my face at every opportunity, she’s right back there and doing it again! What the fuck is wrong with this woman? Why does she keep fucking doing this? She didn’t want Jock! She got rid of him!!! What is she still hanging around?

She’s like a leech, unable to move on and have a life of her own. She’s a grown ass woman for fucks sake, and a mother to boot. She has a new fiance. Isn’t a bit weird that she’s still clinging to her ex-boyfriend as best she can? What’s up with that?

Some of you may be wondering what my problem with her innocent post was? Let me explain things to you. She didn’t want him. She broke his heart and I know a part of him is still sad about this. He changed everything about himself for her, or so he told me, and she tossed him aside like he was garbage. She holds her daughter over him like nothing I’ve ever seen before. She’s not his real kid so he doesn’t really have a leg to stand on apparently. It’s a tough situation, I get that. What I don’t get is how much power he lets her have over him. I think her threats are just empty. If she was going to stop him seeing the kid, she would have done it already. On top of this, I genuinely don’t think she would do that to her daughter.

We walked his dog the other day, which she has at hers, and I waited in the car while he went in to grab the dog. I didn’t see her. I didn’t see if she had seen me. I was making a fucking point. I ain’t going anywhere.

She’s normally a bitch to Jock about things like this but because she had some stuff she wanted to get on with, she offered for US to go and pick the kid up from school. Neither Jock or I understood why she was being so friendly all of a sudden, and we refused the invitation. Jock was seeing the kid the next day anyway, and she was only doing it because it was convenient for her.

She does the Facebook-posting thing because she’s proving a point. Looking back through his Facebook and I can’t see that many times when they’ve had adjoining statuses. Now she’s all over his Facebook like a fucking rash. It’s the only way she can exert her authority over me; that’s why she does it, isn’t it?

I really can’t stand her. I’ve never really had tho deal with a persistent fucking ex before so it’s definitely affecting me more than it should be. It’s just so frustrating how he lets her fuck him about. She screws with him, fights with him, accuses him of shit, relies on him, and even goes crying to him. They may as well be in a fucking relationship.

Ever since I saw that Facebook post, I’ve ignored Jock and he’s knows that something is wrong. He’s not stupid. 5 missed calls and what feels like one hundred messages later, and it would appear that he has got the hint. I don’t want to talk to a man that would let his ex do something like that, even though his current girlfriend of almost a year has already made it crystal clear she is not fucking happy.

So yeah, there you have it. I’m fucking raging.

Oh, did a pregnancy test and it turns out I’m not pregnant. My period followed three hours later. Go figure.


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