The Fireman 

Should I Get Back With My Ex? (But Not The One You Thought!)

Something happened last night with The Fireman. We were chatting as we seem to do these days and it wasn’t long before we were reminiscing about old times… But not the good times, oh no. The bad times; the really, really bad times. It started innocently enough – we were talking about what we would do if we had an endless supply of cash and we both come up with the idea of travelling. He’d take me on the boat he was going to buy, but only if I behave.…

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Someone New 

Maybe It’s Just a Bad Day?

It’s been a really good day for me. Well, up until a point, anyway. I left the house today (woohoo!), my insides behaved themselves, my love life is still going swimmingly, I did some shopping, had a lot of fun, and then I learned about a massive sale I’d made and the commission I’d get from it. It was the biggest commission I’d made in a single sale, so I hit the roof with glee. As happy as I was, it felt as though there was something missing. Like my…

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Someone New 

What Are the Chances? (Someone New: Date One)

I’m taking a weird and slightly different approach to my first date with Someone New. I’m going to give you an hour by hour rundown as it happens. A minute-taking, if you like, of my first date with this new chap. Now, I do appreciate I’m putting this date on quite the pedestal, but fuck it, good or bad, we’re in this together. So, this is me at 5:44 pm. Our date was meant to have started somewhere around the 2/3 pm mark, but his meeting overran quite a bit…

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Someone New 

Nakedly Tangled

Soooo, what’s been happening with you guys? Actually, don’t tell me yet. I’ve got so much stuff to tell you. I’m now well and truly smitten with Someone New even though we haven’t actually met yet, and I think I might need a little help coming back down to earth. We’ve Facetimed and spoken for HOURS on the phone. We text literally from the second we wake up to the second we go to bed. We’ve discussed everything, anything you could think of. Movies, music, food, family, work, sex, past…

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Someone New 

A Guy Who Wants to Be Your Guy

I’m in that place again. That place where I can’t think straight or gather my thoughts for long enough to write them down. My head has been clouded over by Someone New and, I need to be honest with you, I’m absolutely loving every moment of it. Naughty with just the right amount of nice, he’s woken me in ways I absolutely needed. We haven’t stopped talking, now comfortably sitting in the territory of actual voice calls — voice-to-voice contact. We spent most of last night on the phone, him…

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Someone New 

Someone New

I’ve started talking to someone new. I really quite like him, so you know there’s going to be something wrong with him soon. Or he’ll just stop talking to me for what seems to be no good reason at all like so many of the rest have done before him. Shall we place our bets now? I need to think of a good name for him. I’ll get to it later. Let’s get to the specifics: he’s a few inches taller than me (tick), rides a really hot-lookin’ motorbike (tick),…

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The Fireman The Postman 

Strange Dream About You Last Night… Meet Number 18

On the last day of 2014, I put a post up on my Facebook wishing everyone the best for 2015 and saying good riddance to the shitty year that was coming to an end. I briefly mentioned getting my heart broken again, which appears to have been a massive mistake; at least five of them have bizarrely popped up into my life again. “Strange dream about you last night, nothing sexual (a kiss) but you had a baby strapped to your chest?!?!?! Lol! How are you? x” That’s what I…

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Every Now and Then…

Every now and then, Jock sneaks into my thoughts, you know? I’ve been trying to keep myself super busy recently. I’ve taken on loads of writing work. I’m actually finishing stuff too. I’ve downloaded some new games and I’ve geeked out for hours. My ‘urgent’ within two week referral is booked for the 26th February and I’m off work again for ANOTHER month. Christ this shit is simply never-ending. I have far too much time on my hands. I’m doing OK. I’m not crying or being sad. It’s tough though.…

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Do You Like Theme Parks Jock 

One Last Message

So I messaged him. Jock, I mean. I told him that it was weird how we broke up and I hated it. I wanted to know if I was wasting my time and my affection by wanting to see how things go. I wasn’t really prepared for his answer. “Normally it would be a straight yes its done, but need time to think it over. I know thats a shit answer but I don’t want to force it then regret the wrong choice. You’re still my hummingbird!” What the fucking…

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Number 46 The Work Colleague True Tales 

Number 46

I grabbed his hand and led him out of the club. We didn’t even say goodbye to the coworkers we were partying the night away with. They probably knew where we were going and what we were about to do anyway. How could they not? It’s not like it hadn’t been obvious for most of the night … and for the almost-three years we’d known each other. Side note: You might want to read Act A: The Photograph first. It’s not necessary, though.  It was only a short distance to…

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