Guest Posts 

Recovery and Reflections: A Daughter’s Story of Her Mother’s Alcoholism [Guest Post]

Guest post by @SarahCantSmell This is an essay about my experience with my mother’s alcoholism. If reading about addiction is a trigger for you, then you may want to stop here. I also want to say before I get started, that both before and after getting sober, my mom is/was one of the best people I know. She is one of the hardest working, most selfless, most generous people I have ever met. So much of my work ethic, my passion for volunteering and for supporting good causes, and my…

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Guest Post – Splosh by @GeekyTemptress

I am beyond excited to bring to you the blog’s first ever guest post and who better to write it than the delectable @GeekyTemptress?  Happy reading…  Splosh I really love sex silly amounts and then I really love food. Thankfully sploshing exists and there can usually be had a myriad of giggling fun times from your very own fridge. There’s also some huge things NOT to do to yourself, but it’s fine… I did them already do you don’t have to. I think I’ve separated it out into the main categories,…

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