Fiction (ish) Sex 

You Couldn’t Wait


“I got a bad idea, how about we take a little bit of time away?”

The Ariana Grande song playing in the background was pretty ironic considering the situation she’d found herself in. You’d just told her those words that make her weak at the knees and damp between the thighs: “I need you”, and she knew the feeling; she needed you too. That’s why she smiled when you half-whispered those words into her ear. It was barely audible above the loud noise of the music and hum-drum of the club, everyone drunk and having a good time around you.

She didn’t expect those words and she didn’t expect you to grab her hand and lead her to the exit. She was even in denial over what was about to happen as you handed over the token to retrieve her coat and yours. As you made your way out and looked for a cab, she still wasn’t sure what the two of you were doing was real. It seemed surreal. You being there was surreal for her, especially that particular night, both of you all too happy to abandon your friends and work colleagues in search of something more satisfying than the overbearing beat of the music through the floor.

She also didn’t expect the suggestion of going back to your place.

“Your place?” she asked.

“Yes, just me there tonight. My place,” you replied, using your hand to guide her by the elbow to where a line of cabs were waiting to take drunken partygoers home. Except neither of you were drunk. You were both stone-cold sober.

You barely made it in through the front door before you pounced on her. Her heart was beating at a thousand miles an hour when you did. Could you feel it through her chest? Your hands were all over it, after all, grabbing at the buttons of her shirt and frantically trying to tear them open. You were desperate to get to those beautiful tits encased in the white, lace bra you already knew she was wearing because she’d sent you a cheeky snap in the mirror as she got ready for the night out.

“Let me help,” she offered, replacing your hands with hers and releasing the buttons slowly, with purpose. You enjoyed it. She couldn’t miss your erection starting to show through your jeans and just seeing it turned her on even more. With your hands now free, you roamed. You lifted the hem of her dress as you kissed her intently, rubbing your hands on the inside of her thighs, delicately grazing the white lace of her matching pants with your fingertips. She was shaking a little. But you loved to have that effect on her, didn’t you? You wanted to make her shake. To convulse and cry out. To release herself all over you and not give a fuck who heard her enjoyment.

That’s why you dropped to your knees, wasn’t it? Right inside the front door, at the foot of the stairs, after managing to kick the door shut as you grappled with her clothes. Shirt off, now for the skirt – but there was a zipper somewhere and she wouldn’t help you find it …

Your frustration was clear, but she loved to have that effect on you.

She turned around to reveal the zipper at the back, pulled it down slowly, only to about halfway, then waited. She knew that you’d want to pull down the rest of it, even more slowly than she had, enjoying the curves that you were unwrapping. And that’s just what you did, kissing the satin-soft skin of her ass as the unzipping revealed it. And when it was finally completely unzipped, the skirt fell from her hips by itself. That’s where you left it until the next morning, right next to her shirt and her shoes.

The two of you didn’t make it much further. You couldn’t wait. She started to head towards the stairs and you grabbed her leg from your position on the floor. Not so that she tripped or fell; just so that she couldn’t and wouldn’t move. You wanted her there. Right there. Right in that very moment, dressed in that exquisite white lingerie set, she was the most delicious thing you’d ever seen – and you wanted her. You wanted to devour her. To taste her and smell her and take all of her in. And she wanted to let you. Sitting down on the stairs, she opened her legs for you, inviting you in, daring you to take a taste.

“Panties on or off?” she queried.

“Leave them on,” you directed, because you wanted to push them to the side. Only for a little while, though. It wasn’t long before you got annoyed with the material getting in your way as you licked and lapped and kissed at her cunt, and you finally tugged them off. You kept them in your hand, clenching your fist tightly around the moist patch that once sat between her legs, as you dived right back into her. And she knew just as much as you did that she’d never get them back. They were yours now, to keep forever as your own little memento of the night. Part of you wished she’d worn darker coloured underwear so that the sticky stains of her arousal were more obvious to see, but the smell of them – of her – would be enough to drive you wild for many wanks to come. You were sure of that.

And wank is what you did as you drove her to distraction right at the bottom of your stairs, your jeans hastily shoved down far enough to allow you to pump away with as much of a steady rhythm as you could manage. You kept her pants tightly clutched in your hand, enjoying the way the textured fabric felt along your cock. It felt so good, didn’t it? Almost too good. Her moans spurred you on more, but you wanted to be ready at the same time that she would be ready. From the way she threw her head back and let her groans get louder, you knew it wouldn’t be long. So, you picked up the pace, flicking the tip of your tongue from left to right just above her clit. She shuddered and ground her hips up into your mouth as she let go, an almost-roar ripping from her throat and her juice spilling out over your lips and chin. And by the time you’d swallowed the very last drop of her, licking your lips to make damn sure not a bit was missed, you’d found your release too. Loudly, proudly, all over your hand and the wooden floor.

You left the piles of clothing where they were as you dragged your spent bodies up the stairs to bed. First, you helped her in, pulling the duvet up and tucking her in tight. Then, you climbed in behind her and nudged yourself up close, wrapping your arms around her body and smelling her hair as you pulled her snugly into you. When you both arose the next morning, with the sun beaming in through the curtains and warming your faces, you were in exactly the same embrace …

And didn’t you feel content?

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