
Fucking Idiots, The Pair of Them

Today I’ve got the right hump. I’ve mentioned the Lesser-Spotted Lethario a few times in my blog, and the many women he parades through our house. Well, apparently he’s not just an asshole to the girls he dates. He’s an asshole in general. (See – Don’t Be A Crazy Girl)

I live with three other guys in a big house. One of the guys is Bestie, one is this Lethario character (with his string of women), and one is a sorta average kinda guy with his girlfriend, who I actually quite like.

Lethario is a bit of a tramp. I know we all have dirty days where we’d rather sit in our own filth and fester for a few hours, but I mean house-tramp. He’s a house-tramp. He rarely comes out of his room although, we all tend to stay in our own personal spaces, but because of this, he thinks he doesn’t need to clean the rest of the house. He doesn’t use the kitchen, he doesn’t use the living area, he doesn’t use the downstairs bathroom, hallway, stairs, etc. He doesn’t use those living areas, therefore he shouldn’t need to clean them. He does use them, of course. As much as the rest of us. HE LIVES HERE. He’s just a deluded prick.

This has been an eruption that has slowly but surely been bubbling away under the surface for a while, and it has resulted in three pretty big fights over the last few weeks. Last night, it all came to a real head, with him bringing the fight right to my door, and at one point, trying to barge into my room. Bestie stood his ground of course – he won’t let anything happen to me. But because of the way this Lethario was raising his voice and bouncing around, like a monkey with a chip on his shoulder, I was scared. I didn’t say that of course; I wouldn’t admit that to a little prick like him. But the way he was, the way he wouldn’t let me finish my sentences, coming towards me aggressively, his voice getting louder and louder; it just reminded my of the Hubby. And I am deathly afraid of that man.

I walked away from the fight because I would have either cried or stabbed him, and that made things even worse. He started following me, trying to get into my room to carry things on.

To be honest though, that’s not even the reason I’m upset. I’ll tell the thing that has PISSED ME OFF the most. It’s the fact that he actually said these words:

“My girlfriend is upstairs upset right now because of this fight. We don’t use the kitchen. We don’t cook in there because it’s always dirty!” 

Ha! Fucking ha! Your girlfriend is upset upstairs? The girlfriend you didn’t give a shit about when you were BALLS DEEP in another girl until 3am the night before! Where did your girlfriend think that empty bottle of champagne came from? None of us drink. Yes, that’s right you stupid deluded little girl with an equally stupid and deluded, immature boyfriend, he was cheating on you last night.

The thing that frustrates me the most is that I clean the kitchen every godamn morning. Every day, I do the dishes whether I’ve used them or not. I quickly sweep the floor, and I wipe down all the surfaces. I empty the washing machine and clean it when it smells because the guys have a habit of leaving wet laundry in there for days on end. The guys that live here are skanks. The average-kinda-guy generally does the housework when we ask him to, which we have accepted. But the Lethario leaves bowls with rotten food in around for days on end, and then starts fights filled with personal insults when we ask him to clean them up or buy a bottle of washing up liquid from time to time.

Right now, there is a bowl on the side that had rotting noodles in for six days. He threw the noodles away, but left the bowl there. It’s still there. As are the mouldy tomatoes in the fridge. And the milk that went out of date three days ago too. You see – if Bestie and I don’t clean these things, they don’t get cleaned. But we’re the skanks?! We’re upsetting his girlfriend?!?

Although it isn’t really any of my business, I would give anything to turn around and tell that stupid girl what her boyfriend is really about. She was sat there, defending him, getting it totally wrong, when she should have been turning on her heels and running as far away from him as she could get. I wanted to slap her. She’s young. I guess maybe one day she’ll learn, just like the girl before her. She won’t defend him when he’s in the wrong. And trust me, this time, he’s so far in the wrong, I can’t believe he’s even trying to argue his point. But despite the fact he was fucking another girl less than 16 hours before, she was still loyal and faithful to him. What is she? A girlfriend or a dog?

But yeah, I’m so beyond pissed off today. Fucking idiots, the pair of them. Him and his even dumber girlfriend.

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2 Thoughts to “Fucking Idiots, The Pair of Them”

  1. James

    I empathise. I have 2 housemates who do exactly the same thing (apart from the threats/intimidation when you call them out). It’s horrible. They often decide 1AM is the perfect time to cook their dinner which makes me really mad! Happily I’ve just been told this week they’re moving out – hooray!

    1. notsosexinthecity

      How did you make them leave?! Share your secrets.
      I’m desperately saving my pennies to move my ass out, but you know, cleaning and repairing after two full grown ‘kids’ is expensive!

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