What is Bad Pancake in Dating?
Are you tired of new dating terms and slang trends doing the rounds? I know, I am! We’re unravelling another dating term in today’s blog post, and it’s known as bad pancake in dating. But what is it? What does it mean? And what does it mean for your new relationship?
Let’s take a look and find out.
The bad pancake in dating theory
The bad pancake in dating is a theory, of sorts. Your first new relationship after a serious, long-term relationship is a “bad pancake,” because it’ll probably go wrong… just like the very first pancake in the batch.
I don’t know about you, but I tend to make pancakes at one time of year: Pancake Day. I forget they exist for the other 364 days of the year, so I don’t make or eat them. Pancake Day comes around again, and it’s time to make pancakes! But… I’ve not made them in a year, so I’m a bit rusty when it comes to whipping them up.
The first pancake is always a complete disaster. It falls apart, it’s too thick, it’s too thin, it’s too floury, whatever. There’s always something wrong with it, so I tend to throw it away… or scoff it down when no one’s looking.
The bad pancake is the first new relationship after another serious relationship ends – and it often doesn’t work, falls apart, and is bound to be a complete disaster that you’d rather swallow down so no one else saw.
The bad pancake is vital, though…
Without the first bad pancake, there are no mistakes to learn from. You can’t “fix” things for the second or subsequent pancakes.
It’s easy to forget what you like, don’t like, and who you are when you come out of a long-term, serious relationship, so there’s a high chance that you’ll go after the wrong person when it comes to dating again. You might even go after ex-boyfriend 2.0. Hey, we’ve all been there.
So, you get into the bad pancake relationship, and you learn all the little things you hate, all the wonderful things you love, and all the bullshit you will no longer stand for. The bad pancake relationship ends, then it’s time to get to the second pancake – which will look the part, won’t fall apart, and tastes fucking delicious.
How to avoid the bad pancake relationship
I don’t wish to alarm or upset you, but you can’t avoid the bad pancake relationship. It’s going to happen, and if it doesn’t, well, you were just lucky.
Finding yourself after a relationship ends, and particularly if it ends badly, can be hard work – and sometimes you need to get up-close and personal with the things that you don’t like, in order to realise that you don’t like them.
Bad pancake: conclusion
So, the bad pancake theory is a theory that says, the first new relationship you get into, after another serious, long-term one ends, will fail just like the first pancake of the batch.
Do you agree?
I wholeheartedly agree. Looking back now, I think I’ve had more than a few bad pancakes that I’d much rather forget.
Thanks so much for reading my blog today! 🖤
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