Life The World... It Shocks Me 

21 Things That Go Through My 20-Something Head Daily

1. Is my eyeliner the same on both eyes? I’m sure the flick on the left eye is bigger…?

21 Things That Go Through My 20-Something Head Daily

2. My jeans feel tighter. Crap… Have I put on weight? Where are my scales?

3. Why won’t my hair grow faster?

4. I wonder if I’d look good with my lip pierced again…?

5. Why can’t I have long, beautiful hair like THAT girl. (*Normally accompanied by creeper-style staring)

6. I shouldn’t have a Gregg’s chicken bake for lunch.

7. I really wish I hadn’t eaten that Gregg’s chicken bake AND a sausage roll for lunch.

8. I really want a bulldog puppy.

21 Things That Go Through My 20-Something Head Daily

9. I should probably tidy my room up. I live like a skank. I’ll do it later.

10. Oh crap! If I’m wearing a skirt later, I’ll need to shave my legs. Do I even have razors? Should I buy more? How much money do I have left in the bank?

11. My boob feels funny. Do I have cancer? (*Normally in the shower when doing boob-checks)

12. Nope, false alarm. It was a biscuit crumb, not a cancerous lump. I’ll just wash that down the drain and pretend that didn’t happen.

13. People really piss me off.

21 Things That Go Through My 20-Something Head Daily

14. Honestly… How many times do I need to explain the same thing to someone over and over again whilst they still don’t understand it before I can finally accept there is no helping some people and just walk away?

15. Do I want a baby?

16. Why don’t I have a boyfriend?

17. Why can’t I manage my money like the sensible people do?

18. Oh. I still can’t afford a new pair of Christian Louboutin’s today 🙁

19. My life should be so much better than what it is right now.

20. Another baby announcement on Facebook… Why haven’t I had a baby yet?

21. Maybe I should dye my hair pink today?

21 Things That Go Through My 20-Something Head Daily

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