Giving Better Blowjobs Version 2.0Sex 

Giving Better Blowjobs Version 2.0

Giving Better Blowjobs Version 2.0

I love it when readers interact with me and tell me when they agree (or disagree) with whatever I’ve said. As long as they’re playing nicely, I often find the advice offered is useful and valuable in one form or another. One such comment occurred recently on a past post about giving head. In case you wanted to give it a little read (and obviously I highly recommend you do), you can find it here:

I was told that the advice was good but there were a few things I’d neglected. After taking a re-read myself, I realised my reader was right. Apparently I’ve learned a lot about sucking dick in two years. So now I shall share my knowledge.

Giving Better Blowjobs Version 2.0

I would like to expand on a few of my previous points, and add a couple more:

1 – Plenty of lubrication 

I still stand by what I said two years ago but I would like to further elaborate on controlling that gag reflex.


A certain amount of gagging is sexy, expected almost. It’ll make him feel amazing, like his cock is the biggest cock in the world, enough to make you gag and your eyes water.

I’ve heard the words “I want to make you gag on my cock” a lot. It’s a ‘thing’ amongst men. Not all men, of course, I’m not saying every guy wants to hear you gag on his not-so-little dude, but every now and again, it’s just fine to let those little gags escape. You’re only human, it’s a natural instinct to gag a little when a hard cock is forced down your throat.

Stop trying to make sex so perfect. It’s the imperfections that make it amazing. (I want to take credit for that but I’m sure it’s a quote that I read somewhere.) 

Sticking with perfection and to be more precise, making your eyes water, don’t be so worried about your makeup either. The whole point of putting makeup on for a sexy night in is to have it completely destroyed. If you’ve managed to finish him off in your mouth without smudging your mascara a bit, you’re not doing it right. Even waterproof mascara can’t put up much of a fight against the filthiest of oral sessions.

Giving Better Blowjobs Version 2.0

Every man I’ve ever taken to my bed has told me that the post-fucked, makeup-smeared, hair-all-over-the-place look is hot as fuck. Embrace it. It’s just like wearing his shirt to run to the bathroom which I’ve learned is equally as hot.

Or gagging on his dick.

They like that kind of thing.

2 – Make some noise 

Yep, still do that. Do more of that though. Sound as if you’re really enjoying it, as though stuffing as much of him in your mouth is the best thing you’ve done that day, that week in fact. Be enthusiastic about it, I cannot express that enough. Don’t be porn-y though. Two men have said words to me that go along the lines of:

“I like that you make a bit of noise, but not too much. There’s no bigger turn-off than those really obviously fake porn noises.”

If you can’t even muster up a little noise, appreciative moans, hums and mumbles (because it’s hard to talk with your mouth full), you probably shouldn’t be doing it. If you’re only giving him a half-hearted blowjob, don’t bother. You wouldn’t appreciate a half-hearted effort when he goes down on you. You certainly wouldn’t cum that way. How can you expect him to? And he knows when you really can’t be bothered because your technique (or lack of it) will give it away.


And now I would like to add a few points if I may:

Addition: 6 – Get handy! 

I left something out entirely in my last post — the use of your hands. I’ll always remember a female colleague I once worked with proclaiming she didn’t like to give head because she never knew what to do with her hands.

Giving Better Blowjobs Version 2.0

I mentioned playing with his balls before but there’s so much more to it than that. Your hands are your best tool in this job, especially when your mouth starts to get tired, which it will if you do it for long enough. Your hands can take over when your mouth is struggling to continue, and they can even work together to make the end result come much quicker. Literally.

Women are often worried about getting hands-on but as Exhibit A so eloquently says, the way we (women) do it differently from them (men) often makes it better anyway. Just take a read of this: On hand jobs (or: I just want you to touch me)

I asked a few more male acquaintances for their views on this and I was met by the following responses:

“Using the spit created by the blow job to stroke your hand firmly up and down my cock, working in tandem with your mouth, is the thing most likely to make me cum.” 

“Drag your nails across the skin on my thighs. It drives me nuts.”

“Play with yourself, duh!”

“Play with my butt….”

I just want to focus on that last one for a moment if I may. Yes, you did read that right. Men (some, the majority in my personal experience) do enjoy anal play, not just giving but receiving too. Remember when I discussed plenty of lubrication in my first post? It comes in pretty handy here.

Addition: 7 – A is for anal … 

When things are nice and slippery, accidents happen. I’ve lost count of the amount of men who have “accidentally” slipped and almost penetrated my ass. Repay the favour girlies. There’s no better time than when he’s balls deep in your mouth and everything’s all slippery and slide-y. Play with his balls and head further down. Let your tongue slide underneath and if it’s post-shower, head even further south than that. He may act surprised the first time but it’ll certainly bring up the conversation if it’s a no-go area. And if he likes it, well, you’ll be the girl who showed him that. You’ll be the girl that made him cum that hard. You’ll be amazed by how hot men find it when you take control of the situation, and when you push his boundaries a little. Men like that too. It’s not just us ladies.

Giving Better Blowjobs Version 2.0

I’ll turn the anal page now.

Addition: 8 – Two hands are better than one

I like to work my hands in conjunction with my mouth, using them to fill the void my lips leave behind as they slide up the shaft, keeping the up-and-down motion going even when my jaw needs a moment. I also like to use two hands rather than one.

Firstly, the balancing act when he’s lying on the bed and I’m kneeling beside him, both arms happily working away, gives my stomach and thigh muscles a great work out.

Secondly, it’s a move that always seems to impress.

Thirdly, just like your gag noises, it makes him feel like he’s a beast of a man, as if you NEED two hands to take on what he’s packin’. Laugh and sneer all you like, it’s a move that’s always been very well received. I have tiny hands too which gives me an added bonus.

I like to get really carried away, making it the best thing I’ve done that day because when I’m that intimate with a man, there’s a pretty good chance and I like him and it gets me hot when he gets hot. Did you keep up with that?

This brings me neatly to my next point … although I’m still sticking with the subject of hands. If you’re going hands-free (because some men think using your hands is “cheating”), why not do something a little more creative with your hands than just rubbing them up and down his thighs or playing with his balls? Why not play with yourself?

Addition: 9 – Personal performance …

Do you know how hot it is when a man sees you playing with yourself? Every single guy I’ve ever dated has told me they want to watch me bring myself to climax. It was one of my exes biggest fantasies. I know you’ll get self-conscious and might not be able to perform, but at least give it a go. At the very least he’ll see what YOU do when you’re getting yourself off and hopefully he’ll take a few tips from it. You’ll pre-heat your own oven too, and the more aroused you are, the more likely it is that you’ll cum. So far I can’t think of a single reason why making yourself cum for him would be a bad idea.

(*Plus, from personal experience, it’s the most intense orgasm you could ever have. If you manage to get yourself there, that combination of nerves, mild discomfort and general arousal makes for a very interesting ride!) 

He’ll blow his load real quick if he knows that you’re getting your own fingers sticky, and if you raise a hand to let him taste you, it’ll probably go down in history as one of the best blowies he’s ever received. That’s not an ‘everyone’ kind-of move, but with the right guy and in the right moment, that right there is a killer … for all the right reasons.

Taking things back down to a more educational and less pornographic level, even if you aren’t brave enough to reach downstairs whilst he’s balls deep in your mouth, play with your nipples instead, or release them from their bra so he gets a very delightful view. Men are visual creatures remember.

Giving Better Blowjobs Version 2.0

For more blowjob inspiration, I think you should also check out a couple more of my (#NSFW) posts. Happy reading! 🙂

Feel free to leave your comments below! I’d love to know what you do (girls), or what you like (boys) – share the knowledge.

I won’t know what to do until you tell me 😉 

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