Don’t Try to Out-Alpha-Female Me, Bitch Bear 

Don’t Try to Out-Alpha-Female Me, Bitch

I found myself watching Bear work a while back. She was a female client, looked to be in her 40’s, quite a harsh and abrasive woman, but one I smiled at and was nice to nevertheless. The job took about three hours from start to finish, and as I tried to concentrate on my own work in front of me, her annoying, grating voice was the only thing bouncing around in my head. Within about forty minutes of being in her presence, I wanted to punch her. Square on punch…

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Bear Brown Eyes 

See Ya

My relationship is going splendidly. There’s nothing really wrong [yet], and things seem to be blending together just as they should. Bear and I live together really well, and more than that, we encourage each other to do good stuff. Bear’s Son and I get on really well too, and that’s made me happier than I thought it might. It’s surprising how much I care for that little dude already. Another story for another day perhaps? The thing I want to talk about is what always happens when you find yourself…

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Bear True Tales 

The Denim Skirt With the Bare Legs

“Turn around and bend over, baby. Bend over and place your forearms flat along the arm of the chair.  Now, leave your left leg with your foot on the floor, and lift your right leg … that’s it, lean your knee on the couch. There’s a good girl. Now, stay there. You were bad today.”  I’d been teasing him all day. The new knee-to-ankle tattoo was too painful to wear jeans over, and the only other thing I’d packed was a denim skirt and tights. I had a thousand t-shirts…

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Seven Years Ago Domestic Abuse The Hubby 

Seven Years Ago

CONTENT WARNING: Contains details of domestic violence & abuse. I was drunk seven years ago today. My TimeHop reminded me of that when I woke up this morning. I was drunk and sat in a paddling pool in my friend’s back garden seven years ago. Well, my female friend and her soldier-boy husband. Why? Because I’d learned my husband had cheated on me… again. I don’t know why my friends had a paddling pool, because they didn’t have any kids. I don’t even really know how I ended up at…

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How Long Should You Date Before You Move In Together?

Right, I’m going to get right to the heart of the matter. If you’re in a relationship, how long were you dating / in a relationship with your significant other before you started talking about moving in together? If you’re not in a relationship, feel free to answer the same questions with your thoughts and opinions. I’m trying to get a good gauge for this, but the answers seem to be so different from everyone I ask. My sister and her fiancee have been together for more years than I…

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Inflated… Ego?

I don’t know if there is a right or wrong time to talk about this. I don’t even know if I want to talk about it at all. But my fingers are tapping so I’m going with the flow, and right now I want to talk about a little problem called erectile dysfunction. “So … um … I had a little problem before. Well, um, I guess you could call it a big problem. But, yeah, I couldn’t … um … get it, well, you know … up. But I…

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Bear True Tales 

A Bit of Halloween Face-Painting

I was wearing sweat pants. Not just any sweat pants, but the ones I dye my hair in. If we were getting crazy with makeup and fake blood, I didn’t want to do it in my jeans. That’s my defence for wearing my skanky pants around him, anyway. I was also sporting the white vest-top that I dye my hair in, hair tied back, no makeup on (because he was just about to do it all for me), I was hardly at my sexiest. But there was something about it…

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One Night Turned Into Three Nights

Do you remember I said a while back, probably in one of my last relationships, about a moment in the early stages of a relationship when something just “clicks” into place? Like all of a sudden you’re no longer dating … you’re in a relationship. Things just “click” into place and you find yourself doing “normal” things together, rather than just the date-stuff you’d usually do to try and impress your potential new other half. Well, that moment happened in the last few days with my beautiful Bear. Because I’m…

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All Clear Bear 

All Clear

So …. Remember I said that dating a schizophrenic would be easy? Famous last words, right? Okay, admittedly I’m being a tad overdramatic here, but Bear is pissing me off a tad. Just a tad though, nothing to worry about. Yet. I’ve been super busy, and pretty under the weather too. There was nothing wrong, I just go through phases where I want to be left alone. I don’t want to go out and socialise with people. I don’t want to listen to how great other people’s lives are going.…

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Bear’s Girlfriend: The Sleepover

So … Bear and I had our first sleepover! I’d forgotten how much fun sleepovers could be, especially at my house. It’s been such a long time since I invited a man into my space … Too long perhaps? He was late. Hours late. He had clinic-stuff to do, because I’d demanded he went to the GU-clinic before I slept with him. And he had tattoo-stuff to do too. But then he got the train to mine – two and a half hours of train ride, to be precise. That’s…

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