
Car Parks & Shooting Stars

I’m a little bit obsessed with space. Anyone who knows me knows that. It just amazes me. I watch space documentaries on the daily and the more I learn, the more I feel incredibly tiny. And the more I want to learn. I like feeling tiny. I love the feeling of knowing we are the tiniest magical blue dot in the middle of something vast and perhaps even never-ending. I seriously regret not paying more attention to this stuff when I was at school. If I’d have known that all…

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Season’s Greetings

Wanna hear something romantic as fuck? It’s a bit cringe-worthy, I think, so you must promise you won’t laugh at me. I had this daft idea that Bear and I should reuse the same Christmas cards to each other, just adding new messages, year after year, and he’s only gone and bloody done it. What a fucking cutie. It was an idea I had last year. I think I’d seen it in the papers, some seventy-odd-year-old couple had been using the same Christmas card or Valentine’s Day card for the…

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Bear True Tales 

Top 100 Sex Blog 2017 – Sixth! (Also: Nipple Sticks)

  What a bloody wonderful surprise to check my Twitter one day and come across this absolute beaut:   No. 6 this year (and I am starting to feel like a DJ here) is @notsosexintheci #top100sexblogs2017 — Molly (@Mollysdailykiss) December 2, 2017   Firstly, thank you so much! It’s an honour to come sixth! SIXTH! Secondly, I feel like a bloody fraud. I barely have sex these days, let alone write about it, but I’m working on it. (I promise I’m working on it.) That Tweet and award came…

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A Case of Mistaken Notifications

Do you have any idea how soul-destroying it is to be accused of cheating when it’s the furthest thing from your mind? I mean, c’mon, I’m in my thirties now. Fucking around and being a dick might have been okay when I was in my twenties, without responsibilities, learning about who I was and what I was going to do with my life. But, when you’re a grown-ass woman like I am, cheating is just desperate and pathetic. There is NO need for it. It’s trashy. There, I said it.…

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Content Warning: Discussing sexual assault / non-consent. – 1 – I once went to a house party with my boyfriend at the time. We’d had a few drinks, chatted with friends, danced a bit, and eventually went up to a bedroom to have some “alone time” — hardcore making out on a bed that wasn’t ours, surrounded by a sea of other people’s coats, bags, empty beer bottles, and other personal belongings. It started out happily enough — lots of kissing, hands all over, plenty of consensual fun. It wasn’t…

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I Should Probably Finish That Hand Job

Content Warning: This is NOT a sexy story. Contains details of sickness. I don’t talk about sex anymore. Why is that? I don’t know. We are having sex, just in case you’re wondering. Admittedly, we haven’t had the easiest ride of things lately, but there have been some pretty epic sessions scattered in the last few months. The other day wasn’t great. I’d worked until 4 am and Bear stayed awake with me. Well, he tried, he did fall asleep on the couch for a while. But, anyway, we went to…

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But That’s Life, Right?

A couple of you lovely lot have sent me messages lately asking if I’m okay as I’ve been a bit … well, missing, I guess? I have, you’re right, and it’s because I don’t really know what to say. I feel so out the loop too, desperately trying to catch up with what everyone else has been up to and failing miserably. I just … don’t know what to say? What I want to say and what I mean are two different things. Because what I mean is nothing like…

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Online & Accidental (The Story of the 10 Inch Dick)

Content Warning: Discusses unsolicited dick pics & brief mention of sexual assault.  The other night I received the biggest cock shot I’d ever received in my life. Bizarrely, it wasn’t sent to me via a social media account associated with this blog. It was via a social media account associated with an entirely different website I manage. A website that is 100% unrelated to sex, dating, relationships, any of it. I received a message – a question related to the website. He was asking for advice. An hour later, when…

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How Do I Find My Voice Again?

Having an argument with a jealous paranoid schizophrenic person with undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder is a bit like having an argument with an angry, hungry bear. I mean, you can try your hardest to fight back, making as much noise as you can and generally making yourself look as big and as scary as possible, but ultimately, you know you are going to die. That bear is going to rip your head off, tear your limbs away from your body, and then devour you from the inside out. My angry…

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Bear Mental Health 

Why Won’t I Let Him Touch Me?

My sex drive has entirely changed over the last few years. I probably should have warned you before diving in with something like that. Sorry. But depression, anxiety, and stress has probably had a huge part to play in the whole bonkers libido business, as well as going self-employed, quitting my job, bouncing from one highly inappropriate man to the next, the cervical cancer scare, the bowel cancer scare, and then going through the Brown Eyes saga. I’m not totally devoid of a sex drive these days but something has…

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