My Threesome Flops: Part TwoDating My Mr. Grey Sex The Fireman 

My Threesome Flops: Part Two

My Threesome Flops: Part TwoI’ve been talking about threesomes. Well, group sex really. In case you weren’t aware of why I’ve got the hump and feel the need to shout about my failing sex life when it comes to group activities, you should check out this recent post. Plus this post from Exhibit A which prompted my nostalgic reminiscing / ranting.

Following on from the foursome with The Fireman, my high school friend and her boyfriend that epically went tits up, I feel the need to tell you about my second group sex situation. This time, a real threesome and I was adamant my second attempt would be much more productive.


Let me set the scene…

I was 18 and The Fireman’s sister had come over to my first ever flat to have a few drinks. She was four or five years older than than me and we’d already slept together once. She was the ultimate revenge for me, getting my own back on my boyfriend who’d apparently cheated on me again. We were 18… That’s what young love is all about. Well, it was for me – stupid and immature, makeup / breakup, ‘we were on a break…’

She came over to have a few drinks which of course meant she’d end up in my bed. The second we made those plans, we both knew what it meant. It was just a few months after my first ‘foursome’ flop, and my boyfy (The Fireman) and I had broken up yet again. He hadn’t found out about us yet; his sister and I, and we seemed to find ourselves in each other’s bed more often than we should have done. We didn’t always sleep together. Sometimes we just drunkenly kissed each other to sleep. But I think we ended up sleeping together perhaps four or five times? He still only thinks we did the once. I think it’s probably for the best that we let him believe that. After all, it did not go down well when he found out we’d slept together at all…

After a few hours happily making our way through a bottle of wine (Correction: probably Lambrini, I was 18 after all), there was a knock on the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but for a split second, FS and I thought it might have been The Fireman dropping in on his way home like he did so often… Drop in, fuck me, leave. Comfortable, familiar, easy.

But it wasn’t him. After I’d drunkenly bundled The Fireman’s Sister (FS for short now) into my bedroom and told her to hide in case it was her brother, it turned out to be someone else familiar at my door. It was My Mr. Grey and in true My Mr. Grey fashion, he turned up without warning, totally unannounced. He liked to do that a lot. He offered to leave once he realised I had company but FS and I were already drunk and convinced him to stay… I’m pretty sure that’s where the flirty banter started. In fact, I’m sure the promise of a threesome was how we convinced him to stay in the first place…

(He probably didn’t need that much persuading. He’d come to fuck me after all, how could he turn down me plus one?)

Much like my first experience, this threesome was one hundred percent alcohol fuelled. I would never have soberly shared My Mr. Grey with anyone. He’d already slept with another of my female friends (on my kitchen floor no less) and I’d had and dealt with my grievances over that. We had a weird relationship. Sleeping with other people was our sick and twisted foreplay. He’d tell me about his conquests and he’d ask me about mine. And that’s how it would start, usually over dinner and plenty of wine (me not him – he doesn’t drink), reminiscing, chatting, publicly getting our horn on without anyone knowing.

But that night, it wasn’t sleeping with someone else on his mind. It was sleeping with me. That’s why he came to see me, that’s why he ended up on my doorstep. It was also on FS’ mind too… It just made perfect sense to bring the two of them together in my bed, and she and I disappeared into my room to discuss the scenario.

“Are you drunk?”

“Definitely. But still sober enough that I think I want this to happen!”

“Good, me too.”

We started to kiss, My Mr. Grey patiently waiting on the couch in the living room, but kissing wasn’t where it stopped. Drunk and insanely horny, we didn’t even need the man waiting in the living room to have a good time, FS using my Rampant Rabbit on me in ways I will never ever forget. I’d never shared my toys with anyone up until that point. I don’t even think I’d shared my toys with a man yet there I was, happily doubling up on the fun with my on/off boyfriend’s sister.

The first time we’d ever slept together (a few months before), she’d admitted to me that no one else had ever made her climax and the revelation shocked me to my very core. She was older than I was, how was this even possible? Even at 18 I had a pretty decent understanding of my body and how it worked. I was less inhibited then too. I wasn’t afraid to go after exactly what I wanted even if that meant giving direct instructions for him (or her) to get me there.

I took it as a challenge that very first night we slept together, and very proudly, I did make her cum. Real cum too, not fake cum. I know the difference. I’m a woman, plus my hand was actually inside her, and I’d worked REALLY hard and for a really long time to get her there. That was the first time I’d ever felt a woman explode around my fingers and it was intense, crazy, my head felt like it was about to explode. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced, even to this day.

Following on from that very first night and coming back to the intended threesome, FS was intent on repaying the favour and repay it she did very well. We just forgot about our audience.

We must have been in the bedroom for about half an hour by the time he knocked on the door. We were both already naked and she had her face buried between my legs, me holding a pillow over my face to try and muffle the groans. I don’t know why he didn’t just walk in there and then. The door was unlocked, he could have entered (literally) any time (or place) he wanted. So why didn’t he? He must have known we’d gotten started without him.

What he did do was respectfully wait in the living room, eventually falling asleep on the couch, standing guard and making sure my housemate didn’t come home and catch us. That man is a lot of things – respectful, a true gentleman and above all else, dumb as fuck. I’d have given anything for him to open that door and join us and to this very day, I’m still mad at him a little for not doing just that.

I guess the night wasn’t a total flop. That night with FS is a night I should definitely talk about in greater detail. I should talk about HER in more detail, our little affair that was never really an affair at all. My experiences with women haven’t featured so highly in this blog and I don’t really know why. Once upon a time, it was everything I wanted. Well, everything I thought I wanted. In reality, I just really appreciate the crap out of the female form and would, like most men, happily bury my face in a sweet-tasting pussy the whole night long. I love taking a woman to bed. I should do it more often. It’s not until I reminisce like I am right now that I smile and blush as I remember those wild times. Those years I thought I was invincible and nothing I did mattered or had consequences.

That was the night of my second threesome. Same age, different people and still a fucking flop. I’m sad that My Mr. Grey didn’t come through that door that night, but at the same time I’m actually quite happy. He’s too good in bed to share with someone else and I don’t know if I would have coped well with that. Perhaps I would have said “Eeyore” (see previous post) myself? Sharing isn’t a word I understand when it comes to men. I have accepted that.

Admittedly the night wasn’t a total flop. I still got laid and it still gave me memories that’ll last a lifetime, but there’s a very big part of me that would give my right arm to experience that man with someone else alongside him, all the attention lavished on me obviously. My Mr. Grey was always enough to blow my mind – the Dom I never knew was a Dom. Having him PLUS one…. Yeah, that’s gotta be up there with one of my hottest fantasies.

I’m smiling right now, smiling and blushing at the very thought of it. Of him.

Who cares what I learned about this threesome-flop. I’m off to reminisce some more… 😉

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