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Dating Double Standards

So…. We all know I find the female form attractive, and I have been known to take the occasional lady-lover to my bed from time to time. This isn’t a conversation I’ve had with Someone New, and he’s far too jealous for anything like that to happen anyway so I figured it was something he didn’t really need to know.

Dating Double Standards
Photo source: Instagram @peneloppe__


We discovered a mutual passion of ‘Suicide Girls’ early on in our relationship – I want to be one except I’ve never had the balls. And probably never will. At first, it would be once every week or so that he would send me a picture of a particularly beautiful woman, usually with brightly coloured hair and plenty of tattoos. It has now turned into a nightly event. It’s not something that bugs me but it made me laugh a little.

This is a total dating double standard.

I don’t think it would be appropriate or even acceptable for me to send my boyfriend half naked pictures of heavily tattooed hunks on a daily basis. I’m 100% sure he would go off the scale with rage and jealousy. He’s that kinda guy. He gets weird about Bestie and I and there is zero sexual chemistry there. He’s a jealous, ‘mine’ kinda guy.

Dating Double Standards
Photo source: Instagram @spizoiky

The thing I don’t get is why he deems it appropriate to send me pictures of half naked women, usually really hot ones too, on a daily basis. Surely he can see this is a complete dating double standard? He would get super jealous if he were to see half of my Instagram feed. All it consists of is half naked men and women that, let’s face it, I’d give my right arm to take to bed. I don’t share that information with him because I know it is inappropriate. Why does he think it is OK to send me photos from his?

Is it because he wants me to look like these girls? I guess in some lights, I’m not far off with my own brightly coloured tattoos and hair, and plentiful body piercings (although my body isn’t quite there yet), or is it because he thinks they’re just hot and wants to share the information with me? I know what he thinks is hot because he tells me all the time. ALL THE TIME. Why does he feel the need to show me ALL THE TIME too?

It’s making me feel a little inadequate. Not jealous. Not green with envy. Not blessed with more information of what my boyfriend wishes his girlfriend would look like. Just a little inadequate.

Fucking dating double standards!

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