Day Seven The Married Guy Someone New 


Ladies and gentlemen, I appear to have bagged myself a stalker. Remember I told you a while back about the believed accidental friend request sent via Facebook of the ex from ten years ago – The Married Guy? Well, apparently he’s back on the scene. Or at least he’s trying to be. A little while ago, I got another friend request. This one, unlike the last one, didn’t get deleted right away. He sent that friend request and he meant to. I deleted the request after a couple of days of…

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The Married Guy 

Soldiering Through: The Double Friend Request

Can we just talk about Number 28 for a moment? Why? Because the cheeky fucker keeps popping into my life and honestly, he’s starting to test my damn patience. For those of you who haven’t been reading long, Number 28 is also known as The Married Guy. He’s not one I don’t remember much about — I was 18, drunk a lot, and stupid; he was married and never leaving his wife for me despite how much he protested otherwise. Of course, I was too young and dumb to realise…

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