What are your flaws?Life 

What Are Your Flaws?

588bf74047e32638034a44bccb7f82adI wrote a post last week called 10 Things it’s Still Okay to do at the Age of 27… and within it, I discuss how I’ve accepted being messy as a flaw of mine. It got me thinking – what are my flaws? Do you know what your flaws are? Should I know by now what mine are?

Obviously none of us like to admit that we have flaws but there are a few bounding ones that jump right out at me. I decided that, instead of running away from them, I should try and write them down. Maybe then I can try to make the effort to fix them. Honestly though, most of my flaws have been with me for forever so change seems like a non-existent hope! 

I am NEVER on time

I am never on time. Never, ever. I couldn’t be on time for anything if my life depended on it. I’m always late for work. I know my lateness frustrates people and I HAVE tried to change things. I wear a watch every day and I have so many gadgets with various alarms on. Honestly, my bedroom is like a vortex of time whenever I’m getting ready to leave the house. 

There is a running joke between the Bestie and I that if I say 12/1pm for us to meet, it means 2/3pm. He gets me, it’s fine. 

I am too easily persuaded

If you come up with a bad idea, I’m normally the first person to say “Let’s do it!” I have learned to calm this down over the last few years but it still rears its ugly head from time to time. I live my life on a whim, doing whatever I feel like when the mood takes me.

Sadly this has it downsides. As well as having a pretty exciting life, I also cause so many of my own problems because of my own actions. I’m easily addicted to things – shoes, perfume, dying my hair, getting new nails, piercings, tattoos, hot men, new gadgets and phones…  I have no will power when it says to saying no to shiny, pretty new things. 

Thankfully I’ve never become a crack addict but sometimes I wish I had more will power when it comes down to saying “No!”

My personal life is a disaster zone

My family is a mess, my room is a mess, my life is a mess, my finances are a mess.

Honestly, I’m a joke. I live in this bubble of organised chaos. I hate how messy my work space gets regardless of how hard I try to keep on top of things. I’m just a disorganised person… which is very odd seeing as I’m so anal about so many things. 

I will never be in control of my own weight

My weight has a mind of its own. When I struggle to fit in the time to work out every day, eating as healthily as I can, I don’t lose any weight. When I forget about losing weight and do my own thing, I drop 4 dress sizes in the space of 9 months. I don’t get it but I’ve accepted this is something I’m never going to be in control of. I’ve had blood tests and everything has come back as fine… I guess I just need to accept that NOTHING in my closet fits anymore. 

I will always fall in love too hard, too fast

I know this. I accepted this fact a long time ago. When I fall in love, I fall in love very quickly and in such a way that it spirals out of control right before my very eyes, powerless to stop it. None of my “true” love affairs have been anything other than furious, passionate, incredibly vicious and insanely sexy. 

I will always be a bit of a “slut”

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t go around ‘spreading like peanut butter’ but I’ve been know to put it about a little bit. I’ve slept with too many men (and women) and I know this. I’ve accepted that my list (What’s Your Number? Updated…) would probably shock the average woman (and some men) but whatever.

Equal rights and all that bollocks. If a man can get a pat on the back for banging three girls in one week, I can get the same. Not that I’ve banged three girls in one week… Or three men for that matter. I don’t think.

But I’m easily persuaded by a hot man with a perfect penis and it gets me in trouble a lot. I do have a truck-load of fun though… 

I will never be satisfied with what I have

I don’t think it’s wrong to want more and more but a few people have suggested that perhaps I am never happy with what I have. It doesn’t matter what it is – my laptop, phone, clothing, men, food, money… I always want more than I have. I don’t really think this is a flaw and put it more down to human nature, but a lot of people seem to disagree with me.

What do you think?

I will never be happy with the way I look

Something else I’ve learned to come to terms with, I don’t think I will ever be happy with the way I look. My weight, my body shape, the way my eyeliner never seems to match on both eyes… I will never find a bra that fits my curvy breasts perfectly. I will always have those stretch marks because I lost a lot of weight too fast. My butt will never be as dimple-free as I hope it will be and my hair won’t ever grow as fast as I wish it could. I’m always going to bite my nails and my toes will always be just a little bit ET-like. 

I have flaws and body hang-ups just like the next girl. I’ve gotten a lot better with things over the years but I still don’t have the confidence I should have for a twenty-something girl that has finally reached the target weight she’d always desired after what feels like an eternity of trying. 

I’m sure as the days and weeks go by I’ll think of more and more to add to the list so maybe I will update as necessary. 

Do you have any flaws? What about other people? Have they told you about your flaws but you refuse to believe them? Come on… Own up!

What are your flaws?

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