Dating Life 

I Watched “Author’s Anonymous”

Author's Anonymous Remember the guy that said “Suck me beautiful!” in American Pie? Well, he’s in Author’s Anonymous. So is Kaley Cuoco – Penny from The Big Bang Theory. It makes for a pretty interesting start to the film, I must admit. I figured it would be a bit of light-hearted humour. It was, in reality. Not much of a story line to it, but it was a pretty good watch.

I will be honest, I watched with the intention of getting some inspiration. I thought it would “guide” me to where I needed to go with regards to my writing “career”, and I thought I might learn a few things along the way. It’s definitely not one of the those films. Boo!

There was a lot of me that I saw in the writers that form the “writer’s group” in the movie. Dylan Walsh plays a guy called Alan Mooney, for example, and he’s constantly noting down titles for new potential books in his dictaphone. I don’t have a dictaphone but I do have a thousand and one little scraps of paper around my room, with many coffee-cup rings on them, with ideas for new websites, new books, new posts for the blog, etc. Most of them, I never get around to. I have been meaning to publish a couple of books on the whole Amazon self-publishing thing to see how things could go with that. I have started three books. I’m about a quarter through each of them. I can’t seem to find the inspiration to finish them… As I’ve mentioned before, my attention span would be beaten by that of a goldfish!

The ditziness of Kaley Cuoco’s character in the movie is me to a tee. I love to write and jot down the things that I say but I’ve not read many classics, I’ll be honest about that. I love to read. I don’t find the time these days. I read articles or news pieces, not books or novels like I used to. I remember being able to go through my Nan’s Daniele Steel novels in days back when I was a kid. And I soon found I had a weird obsession with the Jackie Collins books too. The Dave Pelzer books of an abused childhood had me reading three entire books on his life in just two days. When I found a good book, I couldn’t put it down. I don’t have the time to dedicate hours to a book anymore. It makes me sad. I love the way that a new book smells and feels. I’ve tried to read books on Kindle apps on my phone and iPad but honestly, it’s just not the same for me.

The last books I think I read were The Hunger Games books, and the 50 Shades of Grey books before that. Even then, I haven’t quite finished the final book in both series. I just lost attention once again… This is exactly why I can’t finish one of my own damn books!!

Teri Polo plays Dylan’s wife in the movie – Colette Mooney, and she’s nuts. I’m totally a nut job just like that woman. I’d be so envious if one of my friends were to find a writing agent or get a publishing deal before me. I probably wouldn’t go to the extremes that this chick goes to, and you’ll understand if you watch the movie, but it’s funny to see. And also shocking to realise that you are a bit like that… Kinda.

I guess if you’re a writer looking to really get your teeth into the movie, don’t bother. It will make you laugh, and it might give you a little “Yeah, I can do this!” but all in all, it’s just light hearted. Almost a rom-com but not quite. With no real ending.

But yeah, give it a watch! Lol!

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