Jock My Dating Life 

Talkin’ the Talk

Casually, out of nowhere, on our last date, Jock dropped something quite huge into the conversation. “I think I need to tell my ex that I’m with you.” Lolz, wot? We’ve known each other for eight weeks. That’s it. It feels like everything is now moving at warped speed. We’re already throwing the L-word around like it’s a game of ping pong, now we’re rushing into telling the ex. Why? Why’s he gotta tell her already? Why does he need to tell her at all? He continued … “Next weekend,…

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Jock My Dating Life 

I Am Such a Fucking Idiot

So … on Thursday night, I went out and got drunk. D-r-u-n-k. Blind, stinkin’ drunk. Me and a couple of my work colleagues had been invited to a training evening, but the training evening was actually an evening in a not-so-local pub, with a free bar. As you can probably imagine, it turned into less of a work event and more of a complete disaster the more the night went on … and the more the beer flowed. I had a fantastic night, flirting a little too much with the…

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Jock My Dating Life NSFW / Sex True Tales 

Love Puff

So …. I did my first love puff with Jock. Queef. Vart. Fanny fart. Vaginal flatulence. Definition from Urban Dictionary Whatever it is you like to call it, I did it. That little expulsion of air from the vagina that makes life super hilarious and super embarrassing all at the same time. For fuck’s sake. It was mortifying. I know it shouldn’t be embarrassing; it’s just the human body’s natural reaction to sex sometimes, right? When something is pumping in and out of a tight spot for long enough, it’s…

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Jock My Dating Life 

How to Make Him Love You in 34 Days

Shit. It happened. That moment I was so fearful of finally happened … the one where Jock said the L-word to me. Well, actually, it didn’t happen. But it kinda did … And then it got kinda awkward and complicated. I should probably explain myself. Back when One Ball and I were dating, he drew me a doodle one day. It was a doodle of a dinosaur. In fact, why don’t I just show you? Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, Jock said something to me that went…

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