My Dating Life NSFW / Sex One Ball True Tales 

A Naughty Weekend, The L-Word & Running into a Bathroom Door

Sooooooo, after a bit of huffing and puffing, I finally made it on my naughty weekend away to see One Ball. It was a bit touch and go at first. I was up-and-down about the idea of going because I’ve been a bit emotional recently, especially with my period looming. Thankfully, I managed to keep it at bay for long enough to attempt my kinky weekend away. But that’s pretty much where the good shit ended. I tried to find a bikini wax EVERYWHERE. Nowhere had appointments. I was so…

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My Dating Life One Ball 

I Think I’m Falling

I think I may be in trouble. I think I might care for One Ball more than I thought I did. Or my feelings have grown for him, I’m not sure. He’s gone back to where he normally works, a few hours drive from where I live, and he’s literally the only thing I can think about. He came to my work yesterday to say goodbye and it was almost too painful to bear. Okay, that might be a bit dramatic, but that’s how it felt. It suddenly felt very…

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Big Love My Dating Life My Mr. Grey One Ball The Best Man The Hubby 

Bad Text Sex, Good Car Sex, The Exclusive Chat

I’ve been quiet recently. Sorry about that. It’s been a busy few days, but I thought it might be time to update you all with what’s been happening in my life. Are you ready? Drink in hand? Snacks close by? Then I shall begin … Big Love Let’s start with the Big Love obsession. Because, at this point, there’s no way it’s not an obsession. I was happily trundling through my two-week breakup crash course of sad, soppy movies that would absolutely make me cry, until, just like that, I…

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