Click Dating Jock 


Something happened the weekend just past, I think. Something very big and very beautiful and … well, very fucking scary. We – Jock and I – clicked into place. Something clicked. There was a click. We went from ‘dating’ to ‘in a relationship’ and we both felt it. It happened right there in front of us. We both already know that the chemistry is there between us. It’s kinda undeniable at this point. We can’t stop having sex, and although we’ve had a few hiccups here and there, everything is…

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Dating Jock 

He Makes Me Smushy

First, he fell asleep on me. Then, he blew me out. I blew him out in retaliation, and now he’s no longer hungover, and pining for me like some lost puppy dog. I think I’ve made my point now. He knows how annoyed I was with him for switching our plans around so easily. And if I blow him out every time he blows me out, he’ll soon get how fucking annoying it is. I mean, yeah, that’s petty, but I’m thinking of it like puppy dog clicker training. If…

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Dating Jock 

I’ve Got the Right Hump

I would probably warn you before I start ranting: I’m about to start ranting. My fingers are angry typing, all twitchy and stabbing at the keys. There’s probably going to be some swearing, I’m definitely going to talk about sex, and I’m more than likely going to overreact about something. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. So, firstly, I didn’t get laid. I didn’t get anything. No orgasms for this gal. No nothing at all. Secondly, he [Jock] did have an orgasm. He got himself a nice little blowjob, came,…

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Baby Dating Jock 


I think something weird is happening to me, people. One of my co-workers is pregnant and I’m feeling a bit … weird. This isn’t the first time that a co-worker or friend has been pregnant around me, but I have a habit of upping and leaving halfway through pregnancies. I’ve done it with virtually all of my ‘best’ female friends over the years. Completely by accident, obviously, but still, I’ve never stuck around for a full pregnancy. I was 18 when I first experienced a friend being pregnant around me.…

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Dating Jock 

Did We Just Have Our First Fight?

So, you know I spent those two wonderful days with Jock? Our first two-day sleepover? [How to Make Her Love You in 69 Days & Maybe the Key to Great Sex Is …] Well, it was awesome and stuff, but there’s a part of it I haven’t told you about yet. Technically, I think we had our first fight. We were at the seaside, because you know how much this bitch loves the seaside. I was taking a photo of us, a cute one, and he ruined it by shoving…

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Dating Jock 

The Barbershop Quartet

I just got home from work and, annoyingly, I miss my boyfriend already. Sigh. It’s been less than 24 hours since I said goodbye to the guy and I’m just sat here, sad, missing him. I don’t miss him a little bit, either … I miss him a lot. We’ve barely spoken today. Things were a bit weird when he dropped me home last night if I’m being honest about it. There were no long smooches before I got out, no holding hands, no telling each other that we couldn’t…

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Dating Jock 

How to Make Her Love You in 69 Days

Do you remember me telling you about the two days that Jock and I were due to spend together? [Wicked Games] Well, we spent those two days together, and it was actually really bloody lovely. I know what you’re wondering: Did he say the L-word? Nope. No, he did not. It’s quite ironic, really. First, all I could think about was saying it to him, but then I got over that and got a grip of myself. Next came his almost-L-word in virtually every conversation we had, which initially sent…

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Dating Jock 

Wicked Games

I think Jock might be playing games with me, and I don’t like it all that much.  It started with the whole, “I’ve to something to tell you but I don’t want to tell you over the phone” business, and then there’s been little hints here and there, but still, here we are, L-word-less, but he’s still flipping hinting. It’s like he wants me to think that he’s going to say it, but doesn’t actually have any intention of saying it. Am I just fooling myself here? Could it be…

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Dating Jock 

He’s Gonna Say It

So, Jock dropped me off last night and things were weird for a bit longer. Me being me, I’ve been overthinking the shit out of it and I *think* I might’ve figured out what’s going on. [Last post > Shooting Stars & Sex in Cars] Earlier in the day, not long after he picked me up, Jock said this to me: “I’ve got something I need to tell you but I don’t want to tell you now. I’ll tell you later.” I really fucking hate it when people do that…

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Dating Jock My Mr. Grey Sex 

August 9th

Ah … August 9th. You might not remember August 9th, but I do. It’s a date I don’t think I’ll forget about in a hurry; one that brings a very cheeky blush to my face as I remember the things I was doing last year. Or, rather, the person I was doing last year: My Mr. Grey. If you haven’t yet read Warning! Explicit Content!, you might want to read it now. It’s proper NSFW, by the way. I sent him a Facebook post as soon as I awoke and…

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