Jock My Dating Life 

I Am Such a Fucking Idiot

So … on Thursday night, I went out and got drunk. D-r-u-n-k. Blind, stinkin’ drunk. Me and a couple of my work colleagues had been invited to a training evening, but the training evening was actually an evening in a not-so-local pub, with a free bar. As you can probably imagine, it turned into less of a work event and more of a complete disaster the more the night went on … and the more the beer flowed. I had a fantastic night, flirting a little too much with the…

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Jock My Dating Life 

Rawr? The Pros and Cons of Jock

I really can’t make my mind up about Jock. One day, I think I’m completely and utterly, head-over-heels in love with him. The next, I keep seeing all these things about him that already piss me off, or will likely piss me off in the future. We’ve stopped counting dates. It seems strange to keep doing it now that we’ve committed to each other, the boyfriend-and-girlfriend label well and truly in place. And speaking of dates, our last one was amazing. We didn’t do anything big or grand; we just…

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Jock My Dating Life 

How to Make Him Love You in 34 Days

Shit. It happened. That moment I was so fearful of finally happened … the one where Jock said the L-word to me. Well, actually, it didn’t happen. But it kinda did … And then it got kinda awkward and complicated. I should probably explain myself. Back when One Ball and I were dating, he drew me a doodle one day. It was a doodle of a dinosaur. In fact, why don’t I just show you? Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, Jock said something to me that went…

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Jock My Dating Life 

How Long Does it Take to Fall in Love?

Are you in a relationship? If you are, how long into that relationship did you realise you had fallen in love with the other person? Following on from that, how long were you with that person before you eventually told them that you loved them? I fall in love at the drop of the hat, and not just with men: with shoes, an outfit, a pair of earrings, a friend, a movie, a song, you name it … And I don’t just fall IN love at the drop of a…

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Jock My Dating Life NSFW / Sex True Tales 

Well That’s Never Happened Before: Date 7

Jock and I have had a grand total of four sleepovers. For two of them, I was on my period and we didn’t get to fuck. We played around and did lots of other playful stuff, but not full PIV [penis-in-vagina] sex. On the other two occasions, we did fuck. And during those two times, I noticed something: he doesn’t always spring up on-demand … if you get my drift. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not something that’s caused us problems up until this point, but I have noticed it,…

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Jock My Dating Life NSFW / Sex True Tales 

Will You Be My Girlfriend?

Things have been mostly smooth-sailing for me. In fact, Jock and I just went on our sixth date and I’d quite like to talk about that if you don’t mind? “I won’t have time to go home from work and change, but if you can handle me smelly and slightly exhausted, I’d like to pick you up, grab some food, and have an evening picnic?” he said in his text to me, and I gleefully accepted his proposition. “You have options, though,” I told him. “I’m wearing the cutest dress…

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Jock Me & My Opinions Mental Health My Dating Life 

I’m Fucking Falling For You

Fuck me, I don’t even know where to start updating you with everything. I’m about a week behind in blog posts, so I’ll try to keep things nice and easy to read along with … but I have so much to tell you! “I’m picking you up after work. Wear the cowboy boots and that dress again, please,” Jock text me. It thrilled me that he’d told me what to wear. It’s a little bit of a kink of mine, I think; a man telling me what to wear, how…

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Jock My Dating Life 

The Zoo

I’m in very serious trouble. Like, super serious trouble. I’ve just spent another AMAZING 24 hours with the AMAZING Jock, and I can say one thing with absolute honesty: he rocks my fucking world. I definitely wasn’t this happy with One Ball at the beginning. I didn’t feel like this. He made me happy and stuff but this is something else. I’m in a constant state of giggly butterflies, wishing the hours away until I can see him next, literally running to my phone whenever it makes a vibrating noise…

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My Dating Life NSFW / Sex The Guy with the Big Ears The Hubby The Neighbour's Husband True Tales 

Meet Number 30: The Guy With The Big Ears

Since I’m talking about army life and infidelity, I feel it’s about time that I told you about Number 30: The Guy with the Big Ears. I’m going to call him Big Ears for short. When we first met, he was tall, weedy, lanky, and a joker, just like Number 36: The Neighbour’s Husband. My husband [The Hubby] went away with work, a number of found-out infidelities already under his belt, and I found myself bizarrely attracted to the really tall guy with the big ears. By the time we…

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My Dating Life One Ball 

Farting, Fucking & Frivolity

Heeeeeey, folks! I’m back! I’ve been away for a little while with some blog-related drama (WordPress deleted me and then brought me back to life), but I have so much to tell you. I have BUCKETLOADS of stuff to tell you. One Ball and I … we finally said the L-Word to each other. Yes, peeps, we are in love! It was Sunday the 13th of January, after five months of dating, just a casual afternoon of me doing some work stuff and him texting me from his military base,…

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