Dating Jock Reproductive Health 

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining.

A cancer scare isn’t a lot of fun but it certainly helps to clear things up and put things into perspective, doesn’t it? I tried to go with that positivity-thought bollocks but honestly, the professionals already found a polyp. The consultant told me that it would be rare for me to have those because of my age. He also guaranteed my mother that I wouldn’t have diverticulitis and I had that too. I’m a medical marvel apparently. Fucks sake. I’m not holding my breath for my test results to come…

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Oh And Possibly Cancer.

I had my colonoscopy. It was every inch as traumatic as I thought it would have been. My period came three days beforehand and I’m usually on for at least five days. I was mortified telling one guy and three women that I was bleeding and asking if I should leave my tampon in or take it out. On top of this, I also had two days of ‘prep work’ to do which essentially meant eating very little, drinking a lot of water, and downing these vile tasting laxative drinks…

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Send Chocolate.

So…. A lot’s happened. Clearly I’ve not had time to talk about it. I don’t really know where to start. Day two of my week off and I actually managed to leave the house today. Granted it took me about two and a half hours to get ready for just thirty minutes out the house and in the end, I didn’t talk or see anyone, but it was a start. It’s been a tough few days. Jock and I agreed to talk. The night before he went to the other…

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Big Cheese

I’ve not been around for a while because I’m traumatised quite frankly. I’m traumatised because of my country’s healthcare system. I’m traumatised because my boyfriend wasn’t around when I needed him the most. I’m traumatised because I might have cancer. Fuck. Remember I said that the doc had told me I was suffering with IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Well, he sent me for blood tests and a stool sample to rule anything else sinister out. This is where the problems first started… I needed two lots of tests –…

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Life Reproductive Health 

I Want To Talk About Poo.

Today’s post is not going to be about sex or relationships or anything fun like that. Today, my post is going to be about something very embarrassing, incredibly gross, and something that you’re probably not going to want to read. I have IBS. Yep, that’s right. After a year or so of struggling to use the loo, having bouts of constipation and diarrhoea, and generally being in pain 80% of the time, I’ve finally managed to get the doctor to turn around and tell me what’s wrong: “I’m pretty sure…

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Dating Dating Advice Reproductive Health 

11 Things Guys Will Never Understand About Periods

1. Opening a tampon wrapper so quietly in a public bathroom (or at his house) it could almost be a military operation, and takes so long, you think she’s opened her guts in there. 2. Trying to find a place to dispose of said tampon wrapper when you realise there is no garbage can in the bathroom. Who doesn’t have a garbage can in their bathroom? In order to get rid of the wrapper, you either need to bundle it up and put it in your pocket to secretly dispose…

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