But Today, I’ve Had Enough!

How do you muster up the strength to get up and go to work when you’ve already handed in your notice and you only have 12 days or 6 shifts left? And you don’t care. That’s the dilemma I’m facing this morning. A bad stomach, running to the toilet every 20 minute s or so, combined with my boss being an utter prick over a work Whatsapp group yesterday has left me looking at the clock and wondering if I can really be bothered to get ready and go to…

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Life Reproductive Health 

Bad Times, Peeps. Bad Times.

If you’ve been a reader for a while, you’ll probably have noticed that I seem to be suffering with some kind of debilitating bowel condition, usually leaving me with either vomiting, diarrhoea, strange gut noises, excess gas, odd smells, you name it. Except apparently, I’m not suffering with some kind of debilitating bowel condition. I’m making it all up. That’s what the Doctors think – it’s all in my head. Bestie had a stomach bug last week. We actually thought he had norovirus (sp?) – a virus that is apparently…

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Reproductive Health Sex 

I HATE Condoms.

Right, I’m a 20-something girl who has had her fair share of sex and has racked up a certain amount of sexual partners over the years. I’m not a complete twat, I know how important safe sex is. I know how important condoms are. But seriously – I fucking hate them. They ruin the mood for a start. Now don’t get me wrong, nothing ruins the mood even more than an STI, but they seriously ruin the mood. There is nothing attractive about a guy putting on a condom, and…

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Dating Mental Health Reproductive Health Someone New 

The Bad Feeling Day

I have had a very bad feeling about today from the moment I first opened my eyes. I don’t know how to explain it to you, but I like to call it my female intuition. You know what I mean, ladies: that overwhelming sense of dread you get right in the very pit of your stomach when you know something bad is going to happen. I don’t know what it is. I woke up with no energy even though I’d slept for about 7 hours straight (for once). I don’t…

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Dating Reproductive Health Someone New 

I’m So Indecisive Today

I don’t really know what’s happened. A few days ago, I was well into Someone New, but then he went away for the weekend with work and I found a few things out. One big thing in particular. Apparently, he only stopped shagging a work colleague just a few weeks/months ago. They were shagging for six or seven months or more, she’s prettier and skinnier than me and I feel really insecure now, and they still work together. She’s barely 21; he’s 30-something. All of a sudden – and I…

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Reproductive Health 

Life After LLETZ – What They Don’t Tell You

Right, peeps, this post isn’t going to be a pretty one. You’re not going to want to read it and it’ll probably make you squirm if you do. I’m going to tell you my story of what happened once I was diagnosed with High-Grade Dyskaryosis, before then having a colposcopy, and requiring a procedure called LLETZ — Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone. Also known as LOOP, it is invasive and pretty painful even though they say it won’t be. You can read more about the actual procedure here:…

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#SmearForSmear: From Normal Girl to High Grade Dyskaryosis & Potential Cancer Scare No. 2!

So, it’s taken me a little while to write about this, mostly because it’s actually a pretty terrifying thing for any woman to need to go through. After already broaching the topic of cervical cancer and some pretty suspect symptoms along the way with a doctor and being laughed out of the surgery, I had put the thought of it all to the back of my mind. I went for my routine three-yearly smear and within six days I’d received a letter – “High grade dsykaryosis”. (See previous blog post)…

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Dating Reproductive Health Someone New 


So, keeping in line with the whole #SmearForSmear thing, I went and had mine done. I should wait two weeks for the results and if I’d not been sent a letter in that time, it would be fine for me to give my doctor a call. Less than seven working days after I had my smear, I got a letter. “There were some changes to some of the cells in your cervix called high grade dyskaryosis. It is unlikely that you have cancer but these changes need investigation and the…

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Na Uh. I Ain’t That Girl.

I did it. Two minutes before Jock’s birthday, 11:58pm, I blocked them both. I did it. That was it. The last link…. severed. I didn’t cry. I just sat at my desk, head resting on my hands, staring at the computer screen for about fifteen minutes. Realisation, I think. It’s over. I didn’t cry when I got into bed. I didn’t cry in bed. I didn’t cry when I woke up this morning. Well, I did cry but for an entirely different reason. I DON’T HAVE CANCER! After a shaky…

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Dating Jock Reproductive Health 


Every morning when I wake up I tell myself that it’s going to be a good day. I’m not going to let anything upset me. I’m not going to let thoughts of ex-boyfriends or cancer scares get me down. I’m not going to let my Poo Problem interfere with my life. Today, I’m going to get up, get showered and dressed and leave the house. I’m going to get loads of writing work done. I’m going to be a regular person again. When I woke up this morning I told…

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