My Lovely Lady Lumps Because I Can't Write a Novel Reproductive Health 

My Lovely Lady Lumps

I didn’t post yesterday for ‘Because I Can’t Write a Novel’ because I had a shit day. There will be two posts today (apologies if you’re all blogged out), and I had to move things around a little. This post was half-written on my laptop from the last time I went through this (it will become clear shortly), and it seems only fitting to share it now. The thoughts I’d been writing over a year and a half ago are exactly how I feel right now. Because I Can’t Write…

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babe-do-you-want-me-to-call-you-an-ambulance Bear Dating Reproductive Health 

Babe, Do You Want Me to Call You an Ambulance?

Okay, so the title is a tad dramatic, but I’ll get to that in a moment. I shall start today’s tale by telling you I’m sat at Bear’s dining room table, Mac in front of me, his rock music playing in the background. I’m drinking my coffee, tapping away, as happy as a pig in shit. Bear is sat the other side of the table opposite me, and his son is on the couch, who I met two days ago for the first time by the way. It’s pretty epic.…

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Dating Reproductive Health 

Just You Wait And See.

Today was a good news day. Bestie went and got himself a job! Woo hoo! Oh and I got the all-clear. I’m no longer under a specialist for either my bowel or my cervix (the latter came two days ago). It’s over.  It’s been a rough 16 months or so. First with the pre-cancerous bowel polyp, or tubulovillous adenoma if you want to get all technical about it, and then with the two bad smears. The mass they found last time, that little patch of “suspicious looking” cells came back…

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Baby Reproductive Health The Director 

Negative: Not Pregnant

When I looked at that pregnancy test the other day and read the negative result, a huge part of me was one hundred percent relieved. Relieved that I hadn’t found out I was up the duff just 24 hours after I broke up with yet another chapter in my failed love life. However there was quite a large part of me was that felt something else towards that test… Something completely the opposite to relief. Disappointment.  In every sense, I’m not ready to have a baby. I’m a failing-at-life almost-30…

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Dating Reproductive Health The Director 

I Need Drug Money & a Pregnancy Test

Yesterday was a shit day. I broke up with The Director. I was sick the entire day. I felt very sorry for myself. More annoyed by the breakup than I thought I would be and a little more hurt than I gave myself credit for too, the day just sucked. By the time 10pm came around, I was ready to say goodbye so I took a couple of sleeping pills, smoked a doobie and hoped to doze off into the world of nod. I did, for a couple of hours,…

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Reproductive Health 

It’s a Colposcopy Kinda Thing

I had my colposcopy on Monday. Petrified wasn’t quite the word I would have used to describe it. What’s worse than petrified? Well, I was that. Double scared. After the LLETZ last time, I wasn’t looking forward to having it a second time around and I’d convinced myself it was going to happen. Plus that whole HPV positive thing really puts a dampener on things, you know? In case you’re not all caught up, here’s a little bit of background. I had my second ever smear at 28 and it…

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Big Love Dating Reproductive Health 

I Heard It Through the Grapevine

I recently heard a rumour through the grapevine. One about Big Love. Someone told me that his current girlfriend was pregnant, so I immediately hopped on to Facebook and tapped his name in the search bar. Why? Because I’m stupid. It didn’t really matter though. It looks as though he’s deleted his Facebook page, along with a few of his other social accounts. Not content with still having no answers, I decided to type her name into the search bar. I got my answer the moment I saw her profile…

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Dating Reproductive Health The Director 

The Second First Date

So I went on the second first date with The Director. You know because I couldn’t remember the first one and all. So much has happened. I don’t even know where to begin. I worried about the whole new relationship thing and the dodgy smear situation for a few hours but ultimately decided to cross that bridge when I came to it. After all they might not even need to do any procedures to me this time around. It might be fine. We might not even make it that far.…

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Reproductive Health 

HPV Positive

Well, it happened. I got some results. They weren’t good ones. For those of you who are new to the site I had my second ever smear just under a year ago and it came back with high grade dyskaryosis. Following that I had a colposcopy and LLETZ to remove the cells with a follow-up in six months time. Well, I’ve just had that follow-up. This time – low grade dyskaryosis. The bad cell changes are back only this time they are minor. OK I can deal with that. I…

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Reproductive Health 

LLETZ + 6 Months

It’s that time again. Smear time. Fucks sake. To be fair, I’ve waited very impatiently for six months for this appointment. After the bad smear, colposcopy and LLETZ procedure last time, I’m hoping more than anything that the results are good news this time. It’s hard to be positive though when the one thing everyone said WOULDN’T happen last time actually did happen. It WAS bad news. Not the worst but definitely not good news. When I went for the smear, the nurse asked me what I had understood about…

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